Web design Constanta. Creare site web, web design si programare web pentru Constanta si Romania. |
Excelenta, performanta succes! Proiectu Centrul Virtual de Training si Consultanta se desfasoara in perioada 5 noiembrie 5 decembrie 2009, fiind implementat de Asociatia Lumen cu finantare din partea MTS prin Directia Judeteana de Tineret Iasi. Parteneri casa de Cultura a Studentilor Iasi, Expert Projects Iasi, Editura Lumen, EuroMarket.ro LibrariaVirtuala.com, ASR-DS. |
We gather people together, motivate them and get them involved in our cultural activities. We pick up original ideas and render them valuable to the maximum in ample projects. |
Fundation, Fundatie, Stiftung, Sonsors, Sponsoren, Sponsori, Motivations, Implicare, Cultural Activities, Kulturelle Veranstaltungen, Activitati Culturale, Original Ideas, Einzigartige Ideen, Idei originale
Agentia imobiliara IBC PROJECTS. Vanzari, cumparari, inchirieri sau schimburi! Oferta corecta, anunturi la preturi reale! Garsoniere, Apartamente, Case/Vile, Spatii comerciale, Terenuri. Titan, Dristor, Muncii, Mihai Bravu, Baba Novac, Iancului, Piata Alba Iulia, Decebal. |
Ioana Lucaciu, consultanta, dezvoltare durabila, mediu, natura, expert, ONG, non-profit, proiecte, constructii masini, management, Ioan Lucaciu, Romania, Eastern Europe, development, NGOs, projects, ...
Laika is an artist-run space, aiming to promote emerging contemporary artists as well as atypical projects signed by already established artists from the international art scene |
Software outsourcing and development company in Romania. Web solutions, Php development, MySQL. Outsourcing rate starting from 10Euro per hour. |
Web solutions, Php development, php products, php projects, e solutions, zen, web developer Romania, website developer Romania, php developer romania, web designer, freelance, template designing, i-rater, dating, web designer, web site development, authoring, methodology, planning, analysis, ...
Graphic designer with 10 years of experience in logo, branding and corporate identity. With over 700 logos sold i can get the best look for your company. |
logo, design, logo design, identity, letterhead, design projects, project, corporate, webdesign, stationery, business cards, icon, brand identity, print, custom design, fonts, typeface, folder, creative, business logo, ...
