Your American IT Company Abroad. ESD is a Romanian IT shop specialized in offshore software development, outsourcing, staffing, custom software development and professional quality assurance. |
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Subtitrari Filme - Aici - Catalog de subtitrari in limba româna pentru cele mai vizionate filme. Descarca acum pentru filme clasice, filme noi, desene animate sau documentare |
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General Security este o companie de elita pe piata sistemelor de securitate. Activitate: import / distributie / instalari - sisteme de securitate - antiefractie, sisteme de detectie incendiu - antiincendiu, sisteme de supraveghere video DVR CCTV, acces control, pontaj, antifurt, ticketing, detectie metale - sisteme si solutii integrate de securitate. |
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GLYKON oferă o gamă completă de soluții integrate, hardware, software și servicii, pentru comerțul cu amănuntul (retail): magazine, super și hypermarket-uri, restaurante, fast-food-uri. Furnizăm, de asemenea, stații de lucru și servere, rețele de calculatoare, imprimante, scannere, copiatoare, faxuri, consumabile și accesorii, precum și service autorizat IBM, Xerox și HP. |
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Software company experienced in web site design, SEO, 3D modelling, graphic and logo design, unique templates. |
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Free web-based e-mail. You can access your e-mail from anywhere in the World. |
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National Institute for Building Research. Largest seismic network of Romania, professional tests & measurements, national building codes, technical agrements & consultancy |
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INITORA develops enterprise software solutions including stock administration, production administration . |
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Software development was never easier than this - Looking for a job ? |
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