AFR este cea mai reprezentativa organizatie de femei din Romania. De peste 10 ani organizatia desfasoara programe care vizeaza integrarea femeilor in societate si eliminarea discriminarilor la care sunt supuse femeile |
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| - the ultimate Bucharest guide for leisure and afterhours. Restaurants, bars, pubs, discos are just one click away! |
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| - the ultimate Bucharest guide for leisure and afterhours. Restaurants, bars, pubs, discos are just one click away! |
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AGENTIA DE PROPRIETATE INDUSTRIALA - APIA este membra a Camerei Nationale a Consilierilor in Proprietate Industriala din Romania si a Asociatiei Europene MARQUES.Firma noastra ofera celor interesati o gama larga de servicii privind inregistrarea, evaluarea, protejarea, promovarea marcilor de produs si servicii, marcilor sonore, marcilor tridimensionale, numelor comerciale, numelor de domenii, indicatiilor geografice etc., asistand si reprezentandu-si clientii in obtinerea, apararea si valorifica ... |
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Avant-Garde Models is a model management agency |
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Editura Agata, Botosani, Romania |
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Harti si atlase ale oraselor din Romania, Maps and atlases of main romanian cities |
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ADdesign Pro has a team of top notch designers and developers specialized in producing extremely professional websites and graphics. They are specialized in visualizing your ideas to real functioning projects, providing web solutions across the globe. AgDesign Pro's objective is to help the clients in structuring and implementing the most effective means to achieving practical results. |
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| - un site dezvoltat de - Unicul portal pentru agenti imobiliari din Romnia va faciliteaza accesul la informatii esentiale cu privire la: agenti si anunturi imobiliare, intermedieri, case, terenuri, apartamente, spatii comerciale, complexe rezidentiale. |