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Logo design, corporate identity, marketing |
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Look Art Design . Our services include web site development, design, multimedia, animation and corporate identity. |
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LVMH. An international group with over 50 luxury brands : Moet & Chandon, Louis Vuitton, Fendi, Christian Dior Perfumes… Champagne, Spirits and Cognac, Haute Couture, Designer Fine Jewelry… Discover on lvmh.com news about the Group, investor relations, recruitment, LVMH's patronage and LVMH's commitment to environment. |
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Malko Logistics is a local reprezentant of Manuel Coffe Italia (the leading retailer, roaster and brand of specialty coffee in the world). |
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Agentie de turism tânara si dinamica având ca principale activitati consilierea în domeniul turismului si oferirea de servicii si produse turistice menite sa satisfaca cele mai variate gusturi în materie de turism. |
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Marion International Travel - offers and description; Romania - come as a tourist, leave as a friend |
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