Starting with a basic presentation site, going on with complex web aplications, online shopping carts, e-commerce or internet marketing, a good and professional web site offers to any company the most cheap and eficient method to promote and sell its services or products.Our company offers you professional web design services, wich, through their variety and quality, satisfy all the needs and standards that we all meet these days on the web market. |
Tutoriale PHP Mysql Ajax XML HTML AsP Java JavaScript |
Cursuri Tehnologii Web de incepatori si avansati |
Cursuri Tehnologii Web, Tehnologii Web, XHTML, CSS, JavaScript, PHP si MySQL, XML, XSLT, XPATH, DTD, JavaScript, AJAX, editoare WYSIWYG, HTTP, Mysql, DOM, SAX, PHP, OOP, ...
TRI SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS SRL Brasov, Romania - custom web solutions |
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Simionescu Adrian, 22 ani - Alexandria, RO. Design si programare in php, mysql, js, ajax, jquery, xhtml, css, xml |
Web Design la cele mai inalte standarde. Edgedesign va vine in intampinare cu tehnologii de ultima ora HTML PHP FLASH AJAX JAVASCRIPT SQL cat si cu o servicii complete audio-video |
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Xeneris media: Wir beraten Sie bei der Realisierung von einfachen und komplexen Internet- und Intranetprojekten. Wir �hmen sowohl Projektierung als auch Design und Programmierung in allen g㭧igen Sprachen. Wir stimmen Ihre Print- und Online-Auftritte aufeinander ab und optimieren Text, Design und Programme. |
WWW, Web, Design, AJAX, Gestaltung, Grafik, Graphik, Projektierung, Projektplanung, Beratung, Netzwerk, Gestaltung, Hosting, Online-Textcheck, Optimierung, Consulting, Redaktionssystem, CMS, E-Commerce, E-Mail, ...
| va ofera servicii de web design si tipar digital. Comenzile se pot plasa online. |
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online jobs - Web design, programming jobs, virtual workers |
.NET, ASP, Ajax, C/C++, CMS, CSS, Cold Fusion, Data Entry, Delphi, Drupal, E-Commerce, Flash, Graphic Design, Handheld, JSP, Java, Javascript, Joomla, LDAP, Links, ...
