Bizzcard offers you professional web design & multimedia services. We provide complete, cost-effective solutions suited to your needs. We specialize in delivering high-impact presentaions for online or offline marketing. |
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BlueChip Computers, furnizor de echipamente si servicii IT complete in Constanta |
it, Constanta, calculator, server, solutii, software, crm, program, contabilitate, vtiger, vip, erp, web design, web site, website, site, seo, web hosting, firewall, hosting, ...
Calcultoare, Calculatoare sh, Calculatoare brand name, Componente, Monitoare, Monitoare sh, Monitoare second hand, Calculatoare second hand, monitoare noi, laptop, laptop sh, laptopuri, laptop acer, laptop nou, acer, toshiba, ibm, laptop toshiba, laptop ibm, fujitsu, ...
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Toţi visăm. Aşa începe. Ca într-un vis... | We all dream. This is how it begins. Like a dream... |
Petreceri de neuitat pentru copii, fara griji si timp pierdut pentru organizare.
Aniversari pentru copii cu tematica variata(Alba ca Zapada, Harry Potter, Country).Petreceri pentru copii cu diferite ocazii(Halloween, carnavale, serbari) |
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Flamingo Computers Romania - over 10 million hits in the IT world! ... |
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Ayon Logic e o companie tanara si dinamica, situata in Iasi, Romania. Punctele noastre forte sunt solutiile web si designul si dezvoltarea de situri web, precum si distributia de terminale informationale si de solutii si tehnologii touch screen. |
|, web page designer, web applications, software applications, catalogs |
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BYP,, BYP Computers, Build Your Protection, Computers, Protection, Security, Software, Protectie, Calculatoare, Retea
