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Amado, outsourcing company from iasi - romania, services: software development, mechanical engineering, electronic engineering, tehnical documentation, Catia |
Amado, outsourcing company, romania, iasi, software, mechanical engineering, CAD, modelling, drafting, Catia, electronic, PCB, technical documentation, IPC/IPL, ASM, ...
AMBER TECHNOLOGIES ofera solutii complete in domeniul sistemelor de incalzire si climatizare: import, distributie, montaj, punere in functiune, service, verificari tehnice periodice si autorizarea functionarii pentru Vaillant - Viessmann - centrale termice, Daikin - LG - aer conditionat, Radson - radiatoare din otel decorative, port prosop si panou, Rehau - incalzire in pardoseala, instalatii sanitare si sisteme de aspirare centralizata, Wilo - pompe si hidrofoare |
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Site oficial - AMPLAST CO |
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Romanian blog about business and strategy |
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adl.com is Arthur D. Little's global webpage. Founded in 1886, Arthur D. Little is the world's first and oldest management consulting firm with a strong focus on sustainability, innovation and technology. |
Arthur D. Little, ADL, adlittle, management consulting, sustainability, technology, innovation, Arthur D Little, adlittle, strategy, global, consulting, supply chain, change management, outsourcing, offshoring, ...
Arbeit MF homepage: CAD and programming services: AutoCAD drafting and 3D modelling, AutoLISP programming; Delphi, Pascal, C/C++ programming, technical translations (german - romanian, english - romanian, french - romanian); technische ubersetzungen (deutsch - rumanisch); software localisation -- |
translations, uebersetzungen, translation services, deutsch - rumaenisch, CAD services, servicii AutoCAD, ACAD, proiectare, desenare, programare AutoLISP, AutoLISP programming, AutoCAD add-ons,
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