severnav, shipyard, ship, vessel, cargo, tank, boats, passenger, technical, shiprepair, shipdesign, hull software for tribon, hull tools tribon, tribon, specialized software, tribon developers toolkit, data extraction, hull, software download, hulltools, ...
Manastirea de la malul Marii Negre, un lacas unic, primitor oricui il are pe Dumnezeu in suflet. |
Sf. Maria, Sfanta Maria, Techirghiol, Adormirea Maicii Domnului, manastirea, sanatoriu preotesc, atelier de sculptura, biserici brancovenesti, icoane bizantine, tehnica tempera, natur rustic, traditie ortodoxa romaneasca, mesterul din manastire, icoane pe lemn, reconditionari, picturi interioare, semne de carte, oua incondeiate, usi imparatesti, usi diaconesti, ...
Tenaris is the leading global manufacturer and supplier of tubular products and services used in the drilling, completion and production of oil and gas and a leading supplier of tubular products and services used in process and power plants and in specialized industrial and automotive applications. |
News, news, New, new, Technology, technology, Headlines, headlines, Nuke, nuke, PHP-Nuke, phpnuke, php-nuke, Geek, geek, Geeks, geeks, Hacker, hacker, Hackers, ...
SIS SA Romania, SIS Bucharest, system integrator, process control, security system, safety system, system engineering, industrial automation, trends in system engineering, system engineering outsourcing, industrial automation solutions, industrial automation systems, industrial automation equipment, real time application, real-time applications, monitoring system, software development, software research, local technical support, digital control system, Dynamic C, iconics, genesis, modbus, fieldb ... |
translations and localizations in all languages and language combinations, focus on automotive, Central and Eastern European languages, language software solutions, DTP services in any format |
software localization, web localization, DTP services, translation agency, translation company, proofreading, technical translation, medical translation, automotive translation, law translation, proofreading, language combinations, interpreting, Central and Eastern European languages, Czech, Polish, Hungarian, Slovak, language solutions, translation services, ...
SM TECH - Tehnologii si solutii pentru industria prelucrarii tablelor sheetmetal technologies Boschert Rolleri Wilson Tool |
sm tech, Boschert, Rolleri, Dimeco, Euromac, amada, abkant, trumatic, Wilson Tool, trumabend, rolleri, punching, stantare, nibbling, rontaire, comanda numerica, CNC, laser technology, bending, abkant, ...
Smart-Tech Mgm. Sol. is a software development company based in Bucharest, Romania. |
smart-tech, web design, web, design, webdesign, graphic design, smart, tech, smarttech, software, development
Offshore software development services, high quality programming, web development and design |
Smart Tech 2000, computer, technology, IT solutions, programming, software development, offshore programming, web design, outsourcing, outsource, high quality software solutions, offshore development, Romania, programmers, computer programming, computer software, ...
