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servicii complete in domeniul web design, development si marketing. Our motto is: 'If you have no hope, invent' |
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Starting with a basic presentation site, going on with complex web aplications, online shopping carts, e-commerce or internet marketing, a good and professional web site offers to any company the most cheap and eficient method to promote and sell its services or products.Our company offers you professional web design services, wich, through their variety and quality, satisfy all the needs and standards that we all meet these days on the web market. |
Construim site-uri web inca din 1998. Avem la dispozitie o multime de instrumente pentru a face ca prezentarea firme dumneavoastra sa fie una de succes. Sintem specializati in realizarea de site-uri web de afaceri: prezentari de firme, prezentari de produse si servicii.
Realizam site-uri complexe ce integreaza tehnologii de animatie si procesare dar si site-uri web de complexitate mica. |
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Creative and production studio in Bucharest, Romania |
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WebDesign, WebProgramming, Prezentatii mulltimedia, Virtual tour, Graphic design, DTP, Fotografii profesionale produse |
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