Web site Best Consulting S.R.L. - Proiectare, Consultanta si Executie: Tehnologii de impuscare la suprafata si in subteran; Tehnologii de impuscare speciale pentru demolari constructii civile, industriale, subacvatice; Monitorizarea si evaluarea efectelor lucrarilor de impuscare. |
implozie controlata, explozie, explozivi, proiectare, masuratori seismice, supervizare impuscari, capse detonante, tehnologie de impuscare, evaluarea efectelor de impuscare, demolare controlata, demolare, consultanta, asistenta tehnica, firma pentru demolari, constructii, explozibili, firma consultanta demolari, solutii explozive, blasting technology, blast, ...
Board of European Students of Technology. The official website of the Cluj-Napoca Local BEST Group. A student organization from Cluj-Napoca. Organizers of JOBShop, eJOBShop, PCParty, Season Courses... |
Binrace este o companie care dezvolta aplicatii software pentru firmele din industria alimentara si industria constructiilor. |
software development, software, technology, computing,
business, afaceri, programare, programatori, inginerie, programe, C/C++,
aplicatii, dezvoltare, web, e-commerce, optimizare, computer software, e-business,
custom programming, servicii, ...
BKD ELECTRONIC & ELECTRO PROMEX - Designs, manufactures and maintains electric and electronic equipments. SMD Technology. |
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BlueChip Computers, furnizor de echipamente si servicii IT complete in Constanta |
it, Constanta, calculator, server, solutii, software, crm, program, contabilitate, vtiger, vip, erp, web design, web site, website, site, seo, web hosting, firewall, hosting, ...
Bluetex International is a leading romanian washing company. We provide technology services that help our clients build and grow their business. Bluetex International serves a broad and diversified international client base. |
spalatorie, curatorie, calcat, spalat, uscat, spala, spalatorie chimica, spalatorie ecologica, utilaje de spalatorie, curatatorie, spalatorie si curatatorie ecologica, costum, haine, spalat covoare, preturi, washing, laundry, overdye, splash, scraping, ...
afaceri, business, Biz, Romania, BizCity, bizcity, businesses, business, Biz, Romania, BizCity, bizcity.ro, BizConstructor, sitebuilder, Biz magazine, business, news, news, information, info, ...
Monthly publication edited by Computer Press Agora SRL, having a licence agreement with CMP Media, Inc., USA,
Publicatie lunara editata de Computer Press Agora SRL, sub licenta CMP Media Inc., SUA. |
design implement Voice LAN/WAN VPN install configure ThreatManagement, Firewall, e-mail server, www, antivirus, antispam, communication server |
protejare retea, securitate, retea, securitate retea, Firewall, UTM, Firewall UTM, Threat, Threat Management, VPN client, VPN server, WAN, LAN, proiectare LAN, proiectare WAN, cablare structurata, Cisco, Nortel, Fortinet, instalare serever, ...
Concept Electronics is a leading Romanian provider of technology and know-how that develops and implements advanced solutions in the fields of resource provisioning, operational security and compliance management for the IT&C infrastructures, as well as professional services and consulting. |
concept electronics, information security, IT security, infrastructure management, data protection, data management, technology, value added services, technical expertise, consulting services, disaster recovery, IT standard compliances, storage, networking, cryptography, identity management, infrastructure and system management, enterprise resource management, storage consolidation, information lifecycle management, ...