Cuvinte cautate: Aplicatie software | pagina 31


Axel Soft IT Group - Adresa web
Axel Soft IT Group

Mail Server Software for Business, Enterprise & ISP, AXIGEN - Adresa web
Mail server solutions with antivirus & antispam support. The email server provides SMTP, POP3, IMAP, WebMail & WebAdmin services. Download free trial!

AXT 2000, automatizari industriale, integrator de sistem Siemens Simatic, National Instruments, ni - Adresa web
AXT este integrator de sistem Siemens-Simatic, National Instruments, ofera servicii de proiectare si executia sistemelor de automatizare a proceselor industriale (solutii la cheie), Software pentru controlul si vizualizarea proceselor industriale (SCADA), Control de proces, bucle de reglaj, sisteme de masura, panouri de automatizare si forta (joasa tensiune) - proiectare si executie pentru clientii din Romania. Firma are sediul in Cluj-Napoca.
automatizari, integrator de sistem Siemens-Simatic, simatic, siemens, National Instruments, ni, furnizor de aparataj de comutatie, Moeller, furnizor de senzori, traductoare SIEMENS, ENDRESS+HAUSER, DANFOSS, proiectare si executia sistemelor de automatizare a proceselor industriale (solutii la cheie), control de proces, bucle de reglaj, sisteme de masura, Panouri de automatizare si forta (joasa tensiune) - proiectare si executie, cluj, cluj-napoca, cluj napoca, ..., business. in motion. - Adresa web
Axway, now merged with Cyclone, is the leading global provider of collaborative business solutions. Axway establishes the dynamic connections - within and among enterprises - that make companies easier to do business with.

A&Z Technologies, Dezvoltare software, outsourcing, Solutii IT, Solutii EDI XML, Hosting, Solutii ... - Adresa web
A&Z Technologies ofera consultanta si solutii personalizate in domeniul IT&C.

Calculatoare, Hardware, Software, sisteme PC, computere, notebook, laptop, componente, Shopping, Credit ... - Adresa web
-DEPOZITUL DE CALCULATOARE- online, O gama completa de produse hardware si software. Vanzari online calculatoare, computere, notebook, aparate foto digitale, monitoare, imprimante laser si jet, multifunctionale, software, componente PC, procesoare, placi de baza, placi video, hard disk-uri

Baexpress - Adresa web
Software pentru proiectare beton armat

Stefan Florin Banu: News - Adresa web
Stefan Florin Banu Home Site

..:: BA Studio, Web Design & All ::.. - Adresa web
BA Studio, Solutii grafice de promovare si reprezentare on-line.

BBSoft, Solutii WEB - Adresa web
WEB Applications, WEB Solutions, Photo Gallery, News
● aplicatii web solutii web solutii office stiri galerie foto web applications web solutions office solutions photo gallery news

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