R&M established a joint-venture with the Romanian industrial installation company NIMB
Cernavoda SA in 1997. |
R&M, NIMB, r&m Romania, R&M Romania, Steel structures, fabrication,
diverter, stack, duct, intake, exhaust, stainless steel, silo, tanks, rezervoare, bunkers,
installation, instalatii, Piping systems, tevicontractor, ...
ROMARC SA - romanian foreign trade company |
romanian, foreign, trade, industry, equipment, engineering, rolling, stock, railway, bogies, sleepers, freight, car, coaches, wagons, rails, cement, kilns, crusher, conveyor, ...
ROMCONSTRUCT AG, construction company. ACTIVITIES: 1. Welded structural metal fabrications: - industrial halls; - mobile telephony poles; - awnings; - equipment stands; - ladders, handrails, anti-corrosive protection grates, sand-blasting, dyeing or hot zinc plating services. 2. Static and pressure vessels (carbon steel or stainless steel): - water and fuels storage containers; - pressure vessels; - industrial installations. 3. Air ducts made of zinc plated metal sheet (stainless steel or alumin ... |
Romconstruct, Buzau, Romania, structures, ducts, stacks, diverter, silo, tanks, storage, vessels, stainless, steel, tanks, cyclones, conveyor, systems, field, erection, installation, ...
severnav, shipyard, ship, vessel, cargo, tank, boats, passenger, technical, shiprepair, shipdesign, hull software for tribon, hull tools tribon, tribon, specialized software, tribon developers toolkit, data extraction, hull, software download, hulltools, ...
orsova, shipyard, ship, vessel, cargo, tank, boats, passenger, technical, shiprepair, shipdesign, hull software for tribon, hull tools tribon, tribon, specialized software, tribon developers toolkit, data extraction, hull, software download, hulltools, ...
Comunismul in Romania
Tot ce trebuie să ştiţi despre perioada comunistă în România. Articole, imagini, legislaţie cu ajutorul cărora vă veţi face o imagine completă asupra unei epoci istorice extrem de importante din istoria ţării. De la momentul preluării puterii de către comunişti (în anul 1945) şi până la căderea regimului totalitar (abordând aspectele politice, economice, sociale, culturale) – toate informaţiile necesare le găsiţi pe acest site. |
istorie ce este blitzkrieg, blitzkrieg, istorie, ist., is, it, isto, rie, cultura, cul, cultur, are, she, he, tank, tanc, and, Istorie, history, civilizaţie, ...
Magazin online cu cele mai mici preturi. La noi poti gasi: Pachet tigara electronica EGO Tank - 2 tigari, Tigara electronica E-Health, Tigara electronica Slim, Tensiometru digital Happy Life, Benzile Magnetice Dr. Levine, MicroSTAR - Mini Aparat Electric de Ras, Cellu 5000 -aparat cu vacuum, Epilator-depilator Sunko 2 in 1, Ondulator de par cu abur Surker, Sistem de albire dinti White Light |
Tigari electronice eGo, tigare electronica ego, tigare electronica ego tank, tigari electronice sailebao, tigari electronice ehealth, ego xl, ego tank |
