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AXT 2000, automatizari industriale, integrator de sistem Siemens Simatic, National Instruments, ni - Adresa web
AXT este integrator de sistem Siemens-Simatic, National Instruments, ofera servicii de proiectare si executia sistemelor de automatizare a proceselor industriale (solutii la cheie), Software pentru controlul si vizualizarea proceselor industriale (SCADA), Control de proces, bucle de reglaj, sisteme de masura, panouri de automatizare si forta (joasa tensiune) - proiectare si executie pentru clientii din Romania. Firma are sediul in Cluj-Napoca.
automatizari, integrator de sistem Siemens-Simatic, simatic, siemens, National Instruments, ni, furnizor de aparataj de comutatie, Moeller, furnizor de senzori, traductoare SIEMENS, ENDRESS+HAUSER, DANFOSS, proiectare si executia sistemelor de automatizare a proceselor industriale (solutii la cheie), control de proces, bucle de reglaj, sisteme de masura, Panouri de automatizare si forta (joasa tensiune) - proiectare si executie, cluj, cluj-napoca, cluj napoca, ...

Romania WebDirectory, Visit Romania, Romania, - Adresa web is the #1 webspot about Romania. We are the first portal site ever, that focussed exclusively on Romania, the country, the people, the history.

Marcom, Basculante marca Komatsu - Adresa web
Societatea MARCOM a fost infiintata in anul 1992 si are ca obiect de activitate comercializarea de echipamente industriale si de constructii produse de firme cu renume si traditie in domeniu.

Be An Angel Romania - Adresa web
Be An Angel Romania este o organizatie nonprofit ce are ca scop protejarea drepturilor persoanelor LGBT.

Bearings Romania, Bearings biddings - Adresa web
Bearings Romania - This site does not promote an unique offer, but it gives those who want to develop their own business the possibility to use this instrument with maximum efficiency and confidentiality. The negotiators' identity is secret up to the moment the biddings are completed and it becomes known only to those partners who decided to close the deal. The site has the structure of a portal and a dynamic evolution, which take into account your needs and opinions.

Bere Trei Stejari Sibiu, Bine ati venit! - Adresa web
Fabrica Bere Trei Stejari Sibiu, fondata in anul 1889, are o activitate de peste un secol in fabricarea berii naturale, traditionale, producand marcile: Bere Balea, Bere Trei Stejari, Bere Hermannstadt.

Blackjack Casino - Adresa web
The game of blackjack - strategies and casino games.
Blackjack online, blackjack strategy casino for lesson game basic playing proper play black jack lessons how double deck tricks course winning other what money not learn links basics make cards hand time single online literally have contact resources are jack black where now there take dealer properly

Blue Media Studio, webdesign, print design, online marketing, webdevelopment, rich internet applications ... - Adresa web
We are members of a young, dynamic and innovative team which believes in the new Internet type solutions

Boccardo Entreprise, Retele de apa, gaz, canalizare si drenaj, - Adresa web
Boccardo Entreprise SRL este lider de piata in constructia de sisteme complete de apa, gaz, drenaj si canalizare inca din 1994. Societatea noastra are exclusivitate pe piata romaneasca la urmatoarele servicii/produse: hidranti, vane, racorduri de electrofuziune, fitinguri de compresie, sisteme de pompare a apei, drenaj

Constructii civile si industriale - Adresa web
BTD Group are ca domeniu principal de activitate constructii civile si industriale, amenajari interioare, exterioare, instalatii termice, sanitare, electrice, consultanta pentru firme, persoane fizice in acest domeniu.

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