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Latest news from business, technology, new internet services and pages in Romania and worldwide. Some cool places and articles on the net. |
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A blog about Networking and Security. Tutorials, articles, how to and Tip & Tricks |
fortinet, fortigate, cisco, asa, juniper, ccie, ccnp, netscreen, firewall, routers, switches
IntactZoom offers free online photo sharing for it's members |
See the wide world through the eyes of two young Romanians, Marius and Mircea, that dreamt of exploring Asia by land, and now they are backpacking from the Gobi Desert in Mongolia to the jungles and islands of Indonesia. No fixed plan, just a wealth of experiences and life stories. |
A blog about Networking and Security. Tutorials, articles, how to and Tip & Tricks |
fortinet, fortigate, cisco, asa, juniper, ccie, ccnp, netscreen, firewall, routers, switches