aims Network executive search, personnel search, management search, headhunting, leasing, payroll, training, human resources, consultancy, management consultancy, outplacement, assessment and development center, salary survey, employee opinion survey |
aims, AIMS Network executive search, personnel search, management search, headhunting, leasing, payroll, training, human resources, consultancy, management consultancy, outplacement, assessment and development center, salary survey, employee opinion survey, ...
Romanian based APT Resources 2 divisions: PR Communications & HR services. Event marketing, media relations, financial PR, graphic design are practiced. Also payroll processing, employee leasing, HR regulations counsel, staff team building programs. |
Admin, Advertising, Agency, APT, Artwork, Assessment, Brand, Branding, Calcul salarial, Call Center, Career, Communication, Conference, Copywriting, Cost, Councelling, Creative, CV, development, Employee, ...
ProExpert Brasov, Pro Expert Brasov, Management Brasov, Resurse umane Brasov, HR, Consultanta Brasov, Training Brasov, Curs, Instruire Brasov, Team building Brasov, Recrutare si selectie Brasov, Open, Coaching, Dezvoltare, Audit Brasov, Sisteme de evaluare Brasov, Programe de dezvoltare, Assessment center, Dezvoltare manageriala, Diagnoza organizationala, Interventie organizationala, Psihologie organizationala, Dezvoltare personal, Dezvoltare personala, Autodezvoltare, MRU, Manager resurse umane ... |
●, proexpert, brasov, management, resurse, umane, hr, consultanta, training, curs, instruire, team, building, recrutare, selectie, open, coaching, dezvoltare, audit, evaluare, ...
Companie de evaluari, Assessment center |
profiles, profiles international, romania, international, selectie, recrutare, performanta, angajati,
analiza, evaluare, periodica, diagnoza, organizati, dezvoltare, rapoarte, valori, tehnologie, cercetare, valoare, opinii, ...
ALTRES HR este o firma ce ofera servicii integrate de resurse umane. ALTRES HR s-a nascut din dorinta de a munci in spiritul valorilor personale a celor ce au creat aceasta companie: VIZIUNE, DEDICARE, ATITUDINE. Convingerile noastre: Lucram impreuna, Recunoastem cand situatiile profesionale ne depasesc si propunem solutii, Suntem datori sa fim sinceri cu clientii nostrii, Avem nevoie de continua perfectionare, Este exclus sa evitam sa ne asumam greselile, Vrem sa ii invatam pe cei din jurul nostru ... |
Altres HR, Resurse Alternative, Mystery-Shopping, Leasing de personal, Leasing, consultanta, servicii, training, recrutare, selectie, resurse umane, personal, servicii gratuite, coaching, programe, assessment center, head hunting, executive search, baza, ...
ABN Systems International este dealer de echipamente si sisteme de comunicatii: sisteme de telefonie, solutii wireless, casti profesionale, sisteme de conferinta, centrale telefonice, telefoane si accesorii. |
headset, headsets, earbud, plt, manufacturer, manufacturing, bluetooth, blue, tooth, ear, bud, oem, telephone, telephones, phone, adapter, amplifier, communications, conferencing, telecommunications, ...
Internet, Telefonie, Fibra optica, CaTv, Telefonie Internationala, Dialer, VoIP, TDM, TDMoIP, Gazduire, Mail, E-mail, Email, VPN, IT, Router, UTP, PC, BGP, Call center, Integrare, Fibra Optica, Oferte, Super oferta, Magazin oferte noi, Anunturi gratuite, Oferte lansate, Reduceri, Oferte online, Imbracaminte, Bauturi, Promotii online, Sanatate, Cosmetica, Electrocasnice, Telefoane, Computere, Audio Video, Jocuri, Auto, Carti, Sport, Lumea copiilor, Imobiliare, Casa de bilete, Turism, Cadouri |
Internet, Telefonie, Fibra optica, CaTv, Telefonie International, Dialer, VoIP, TDM, TDMoIP, Gazduire, Mail, E-mail, Email, VPN, IT, Router, UTP, PC, BGP, Call center, ...
RomNIC is the Romanian Network Information Center and the Domain Name Registry for Romania. Register your own domain-name under the new Romanian generic top-level domains today! |
●, asn, atm, bucharest, bucuresti, bukarest,, com, constanta, corporate, discount, dns, dns services, domain, domain name, domain name application, domain name registration, domain name searching, domain names, domain search, ...
Netex Consulting - CallCenter - Outsourcing in Osteuropa, deutsche Qualität zu rumänischen Preisen. Call-Center, Inbound und Outbound Calls, Büroservice, Webdesign und Programmierung in PHP, Flash. |
Call-Center, Outsourcing, Inbound, Outbound, Büroservice, Programmierung, Consulting, Osteuropa, PHP, Flash, Webdesign
Endava . Professional IT Services organisation operating across Europe, specialized in the delivery and operation of IT based Business Solutions and Secure Messaging Systems for Financial Services, Telecoms, Media and Technology |
Java, .Net, Microsoft, Nearshore, Offshore, Managed Services, Technical Support, Software, Development, Testing, Consultancy, Linux, Windows, Requirements, Architecture, Financial Services, Telecoms, Media, IT Services, IT Business Solutions, ...
