Dot Commerce a deschis primul serviciu de e-commerce sau epayment in Romania oferind posibilitatea platilor online cu carti de credit VISA si MasterCard in timp real. Procesarea este securizata shopping cartul magazinelor online fiind trimis spre aprobare prin payment gatewayul propriu spre serverele 3DSecure.Plata online face facila cumpararea de pe Internet din magazinele virtuale existente. |
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Pentru nivelul urmator. Stiri de business non-stop, analize, trenduri, comentarii. Site sustinut de echipa cotidianului de afaceri Business Standard. Editat de Realitatea-Catavencu in parteneriat cu Handelsblatt. |
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VeriSign Digital Brand Management Systems Customer.VeriSign, Inc. operates intelligent infrastructure services that enable and protect billions of interactions every day across the worlds voice and data networks. |
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VeriSign Digital Brand Management Systems Customer.VeriSign, Inc. operates intelligent infrastructure services that enable and protect billions of interactions every day across the worlds voice and data networks. |
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VeriSign Digital Brand Management Systems Customer.VeriSign, Inc. operates intelligent infrastructure services that enable and protect billions of interactions every day across the worlds voice and data networks. |
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Credit Europe Bank - oferta de carduri de credit/debit - CardAvantaj CashAvantaj, primul card de credit international cu plata in rate si bonus pentru fiecare tranzactie efectuata. |
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ITLE>Buyer, Merchant, Commerce, Marketing, Mercantilism, Capitalism, Merchant Marine, Wholesale, ... - Adresa web |
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Carmar Shipping offers the most effective and complete port operations services available in Romanian ports! Your shipping agent in Romanian ports! - Cel mai experimentat agent portuar pentru toate porturile romanesti!
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VeriSign Digital Brand Management Systems Customer.VeriSign, Inc. operates intelligent infrastructure services that enable and protect billions of interactions every day across the worlds voice and data networks. |
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