Dezvoltam aplicatii pentru analiza financiar-contabila fara concurenta pe piata romaneasca. Realizate pe platforma xls/xla si pdf/fdf reprezinta o adevarata revolutie in domeniul informaticii economice din Romania. Formatul xls este cel mai raspindit registru de calcul tabelar iar formatul pdf este cel mai versatil si accesibil format de document multiplatforma. Realizam formulare electronice (iePaper-iForm) si adaptam programele noastre la cerintele clientului |
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Getty Images is the leading provider of imagery and film to communications professionals around the world. Our visual content appears each day in newspapers, magazines, advertising, films, television, books and websites. |
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S.C. Management Expert International S.R.L. |
My online portofolio - as well as my personal corner of the internet - that special place called |
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Markability - solutii avansate de email marketing si permission marketing pentru fidelizare clienti |
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masster productions represents a freelancers association for web site design, interior, 3D graphics, multimedia and video production. |
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Mds Studio webdesign, permission marketing, direct mailing, webprogramming, graphicdesign, web marketing, software, multimedia |
Mds Studio, Romania, Iasi, permission marketing, SEO, crm, promovare online, web design, web programming,
web publishing, webdesign, webprogramming, webhosting, direct mailing, webpublishing, HTML, JavaScript, DHTML, CSS, Flash, ...
Centrul Medical MEDCOM - Medicina pentru companii: medicina muncii, psihologia muncii, medicina generala, medicina interna, dermatologie, neurologie, orl, oftalmologie, stomatologie, probe paraclinice, EKG, ECHO, audiometrie, spirometrie, analize medicale |
Centru medical, medicina, medicina muncii, psihologia muncii, medicina generala, medicina interna, dermatologie, neurologie, orl, oftalmologie, stomatologie, probe paraclinice, EKG, ECHO, audiometrie, spirometrie, analize medicale, ...
Meganet was a romanian ISP that developed an entertainment oriented web site and to offer internet related services: internet access, web hosting, web page design, html, dhtml, cgi, java programming... |
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