Alarme Auto, CD/MP3 Player Auto, Accesorii Auto, Boxe Auto, Amplificatoare, Subwoofere, Detectoare Radar Sisteme Auto |
Otto Wohr Romania | Sisteme de parcare automatizate WÖHR |
O solutie eficienta pentru a-i descuraja pe infractori în tentativele lor este aceea de a apela cu încredere la sistemele de securitateperformante puse la dispozitie de societatile specializate în domeniu. |
telefoane, centrale telefonice, Alcatel, BBS Telecom, Panasonic, Samsung, Siemens, Ministerul Turismului, M.Ap.N., R.A.T.B., P.N.A., Parchetul de pe langa Inalta Curte de Casatie si Justitie, Autoritatea Rutiera Romana-ARR, Comisariatul pentru Societatea Civila, C.F.R. Transauto S.A., Catalyst Semiconductors, Ambasada S.U.A.- ODC, Fundatia Lia Roberts, Hotel Residence, Imperial Hotel, ...
Acasa. Sitma ofera sisteme de securitate, protectie si siguranta de calitate inalta la preturi corecte. Echipamentele de securitate de la Sitma va vor da siguranta de care aveti nevoie. |
sisteme de securitate protectie siguranta echipamente de protectie autoaparare detectie monitorizare sisteme electronice sisteme balistice
software development, e-business, e-commerce, large software projects, IT integrator, most important Romanian ERP (SIVECO Applications) |
software development, software development romania, software, software design, design and development, e-business, e-commerce, off-shoreoutsourcing, custom software, ERP, SIVECO Applications, Oracle Applications, Oracle, enterprise resource planning, ebusiness, ecommerce, three tier, web, Internet, leader, ...
Skoda Tuning cea mai variata gama de produse pentru tuning auto, jenti Smc, audio Kenwood, tuning Janko pentru octavia, superb, fabia, felicia si nu numai. Forum si o galerie impresionanta de imagini! |
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translations and localizations in all languages and language combinations, focus on automotive, Central and Eastern European languages, language software solutions, DTP services in any format |
software localization, web localization, DTP services, translation agency, translation company, proofreading, technical translation, medical translation, automotive translation, law translation, proofreading, language combinations, interpreting, Central and Eastern European languages, Czech, Polish, Hungarian, Slovak, language solutions, translation services, ...
Auto Securit Zrt. - Sky-Guard® műholdas járművédelmi rendszer - A nemzetközi GuardOne® hálózat tagja 24 órás műholdas gépjárművédelem és flottakezelés bármely kategóriájú gépkocsi számára. Havi szolgáltatási díj már nettó 2.990 Ft-tól. MABISZ, TÜV és ISO 9001:2000 minősítés. Az eredeti Sky-Guard kizárólagos forgalmazója. |