Bio-Rad Laboratories manufactures and distributes thousands of products for a wide range of technologies, including proteomics, real time PCR, electrophoresis, imaging, immunoassay, chromatography, microbiology, bioinformatics, transfection, amplification, clinical informatics, internet-based services, microplate automation, immunofluorescence, cell biology, DNA hydridization, and multiplexing |
Bio-Rad Laboratories, biorad, gel electrophoresis, spectroscopy, controls, BSE testing, process chromatography, Biotechnology Explorer, real time PCR, NMR, diabetes monitoring, specialty diagnostics, confocal microscopy, veterinary diagnostics, pGlo, ceramic hydroxyapatite, proteomics, IR infrared spectroscopy, blood virus screening, environmental and sterility controls, ...
Usi automate, usi de garaj, usi industriale, usi rotative. Porti automate, porti de garaj, porti industriale. Usi si porti automate pentru uz casnic si industrial. Automatic doors and gates for industrial and domestic usage |
Bit Windoors, Windoors, Bit Tech, usi automate, usi industriale, usi de garaj, automatizari porti, service usi, usi automate, usi industriale, usi de garaj, automatizari porti, service usi, usi rotative, porti glisante, Hoermann, Hormann, Tormax, Boon Edam, Ninz, ...
BLUEL garanteaza servicii si produse de calitate: proiectare, executie instalatii electrice, posturi transformare, sisteme de control acces si securitate, automatizari usi garaj si porti, paratrasnete, grupuri electrogene, baterii de compensare. |
BlueNote Communications SA. Bluevoice brings everything you need in a Call Center Voice and Radio Logger / Recording Solution. BlueMonitor provides all the tools needed to acquire data, log it, share it on a network, display it on the screen, graph it, analyze it, and automate your project. |
Electronic design, Software design, Complete solutions, Industrial applications, Prototype, Controller software, PC software, NAFEM Data Protocol Compliant, Gateway, Online kitchen, Process Automation Control |
BlueSys, BlueSys Technologies, Blue Sys, Romania, Timisoara, NAFEM Data Protocol, Food Industry, Automation, PLC, HMI, Java, Visual C++, Electronics, Monitoring, programming, hardware, PCB design, Internet control, Copiatoare, Imprimante, ...
pool enclosures, docuri, tamplarie aluminiu, pereti cortina, pardoseala tehnica, pardoseala suprainaltata, placari cu HPL, acoperiri piscine, acoperiri terase, sere, usi glisante, antifoc, camere curate |
pool enclosures, docuri, tamplarie aluminiu, pereti cortina, pardoseala tehnica, pardoseala suprainaltata, pardoseala flotanta, placari cu HPL, acoperiri piscine, acoperiri terase, sere, usi glisante, usi automate, antifoc, camere curate, curtain walls, access floors, raised floor, skylights, domes, ...
Bosch, Produkte, Leistungen, Service, Zündkerzen, Joint Venture, Geschäftsbereich, Umweltbericht, Forschung, Entwicklung, Tradition, Innovation, Innovationen, Karriere, Jobs, Lieferanten |
Solutii CAD, GIS, GPS pentru topografie, cadastru si proiectare oferite SysCAD Solutions SRL |
Solutii CAD, GIS, GPS pentru topografie, cadastru si proiectare, produse software, SysCAD Solutions SRL, programe si software, echipamente topografice, teodolite, distomate, nivele automate, statii totale,
Sansa 95 importator autorizat masini automate pentru cafea Saeco si automate pentru bauturi calde sau reci Zanussi |
bauturi calde, cafea, dozatoare, Fountain, Saeco, Zanussi, Zanussi professional, cafea, coffee, automate cafea, coffee machines, automatic coffee, Magic Collection, Magic de Luxe, 7P PLUS, supergloriosis, 5P, Superautomatica, ...
