Tenaris is the leading global manufacturer and supplier of tubular products and services used in the drilling, completion and production of oil and gas and a leading supplier of tubular products and services used in process and power plants and in specialized industrial and automotive applications. |
translations and localizations in all languages and language combinations, focus on automotive, Central and Eastern European languages, language software solutions, DTP services in any format |
software localization, web localization, DTP services, translation agency, translation company, proofreading, technical translation, medical translation, automotive translation, law translation, proofreading, language combinations, interpreting, Central and Eastern European languages, Czech, Polish, Hungarian, Slovak, language solutions, translation services, ...
Bearings manufacturer for automotive, industry and aerospace. SNR bearings, bearings manufacturer for automotive, industry and aeronautical markets |
SNR, bearings, ball bearings, cylindrical bearings, tapered roller bearings, spherical roller bearings, high precision bearings, clutch bearings, steering bearings, transmission bearings, gearbox bearings, bearing units, plummer blocks, pillow blocks, SNR, SNR bearings, bearing, bearings, automotive, industry, ...
Car sharing, Car-sharing, auto sharing, rent a car, auto share, car-pooling, car pooling, best car sharing solution |
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Car sharing, Car-sharing, auto sharing, rent a car, auto share, car-pooling, car pooling, best car sharing solution |
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Synovate is the market research arm of communications specialist Aegis Group plc, and one of the world's top global market research firms. |
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TexnoREX - partner for quality - represents our formula of belief. We aim at building a true partnership relation with our suppliers, clients and employees by placing a particular emphasis on quality. TEHNOREX - Partener pentru calitate - reprezinta profesiunea noastra de credinta . Acordând o importanta deosebita calitatii, ne propunem sa construim împreuna cu furnizorii, clientii si salariatii nostrii o relatie de autentic parteneriat. |
TehnoREX, holdings, Bucuresti, Romania, aluminium, systems, exalco, schuco, pvc, exports, profiles, alpin, albio, aluminiu, pereti cortina, luminatoare, tamplarie, ...
Tenaris is the leading global manufacturer and supplier of tubular products and services used in the drilling, completion and production of oil and gas and a leading supplier of tubular products and services used in process and power plants and in specialized industrial and automotive applications. |
TORO - cel mai complet potal tuning, chip tuning, shift knobs, tuning auto romania, acesorii tuning, acesorii auto, concurs tricou toro, nitro, maneta |
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marketplace of export and import, offers company directory, catalog and trade leads to importer, exporter, manufacturer, wholesaler, supplier |
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