- Always the latest News & Rumors about Apple Computer, Macintosh and MacOS! |
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Serviciile pe care vi le oferim se adreseaza bunului mers al activitatilor afacerii dumneavoastra dependente de infrastructura de comunicatii de date si sunt in primul rand adaptate necesitatilor actuale si celor previzibile, evaluare pe care specialistii nostri o vor face la cererea dumneavoastra in mod gratuit |
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MGE UPS SYSTEMS provides the most comprehensive range of solutions for power protection. |
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Romanian Internet service provider (ISP) located in Bucharest Romania.
Connections: DSL, wireless, cable, optical fiber, ISDN, V.90. Internet
access services. Broadband access: DS1, E1, fractional T3 (DS3, E3),
Frame Relay. Solutions: VOIP (voice over IP), VPN (virtual private
network), LAN/WAN, Cisco secure solutions. |
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S.C. Phonus S.R.L. este specializata in distributia produselor audio, video, data-media. |
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Eaton is a power quality industry-leader offering Powerware uninterruptible power systems and DC power systems for reliable backup power in addition to power management and network monitoring software with remote monitoring options to provide the best UPS power protection solution |
Servicii IT: Prin serviciul Help-Desk suntem la dispozitia clientilor, 24 de ore pe zi si 7 zile pe saptamana, pentru orice problema care poate aparea putem interveni in maxim 3 ore dela primirea solicitarii, astfel incat activitatea acestora sa se poata desfasura in conditii optime. Serviciul este asigurat de personal certificat in produse Microsoft. |
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Software for hosting companies, VoIP Control Panel, VoipNow, Plesk and Virtuozzo extensions, dns management tools, The leading hosted PBX software |
VoipNow, Asterisk, Plesk, Parallels, Virtuozzo, DNS Manager, server upgrade, emergency intervention, Plesk addon, SiteBuilder, antivirus, antispam, backup
Software for hosting companies, VoIP Control Panel, VoipNow, Plesk and Virtuozzo extensions, dns management tools, The leading hosted PBX software |
VoipNow, Asterisk, Plesk, Parallels, Virtuozzo, DNS Manager, server upgrade, emergency intervention, Plesk addon, SiteBuilder, antivirus, antispam, backup
Documentum, Legato, Hitachi, Overland, Adaptec, Raidtec, Plasmon, Adic, Brocade, MCData, Sanrad, Emulex, QLogic, EMC, Dantz, Captiva, IBM, Abbyy, SMA, Zeutschel, ...