Cuvinte cautate: Banking offshore | pagina 8


SmartSoft Romania, software outsourcing services, offshore and nearshore development - Adresa web
SMARTSOFT is a Software Development company, offering: Outsourcing, Web Marketing, E-learning, E-Business and Web Design services

My Call Partner: Offshore multilingual call center - Adresa web
Offshore outsourcing call center, romanian call center that offers services like: inbound, outbound, customer service, telemarketing and customer support at a competitive price.

NNDKP - Adresa web

NNDKP - Adresa web

Nordlogic Software development professional Romania Cluj, Outsource software development Romania Cluj ... - Adresa web
Offshore websites development company services from Romania and offshore outsourcing it services from Romania.
● Nordlogic Software development professional Romania Cluj, Offshore software development company, Outsource software development Romania Cluj, Software development project

Oxygen Consulting - Adresa web
Consultanta in resurse umane si recrutare in domeniile bancar, vanzari, inginerie, farmaceutic medical

Olteanu si Asociatii, Law Firm - Adresa web
Olteanu and Partners Law Firm is a Romanian lawyers asociation with advocates and legal consultants offering legal services in investments, insurance, finance, corporate, commercial, civil laws and courts arbitration, comercial litigation, judicial liquidattion, banking law consulting, legal and tax advice.

OmniBook - Adresa web
CPA's and business advisors

OTP Bank România — Avem încredere - Adresa web
OTP Bank, cea mai mare bancă din Ungaria, este parte a OTP Bank Group, unul dintre cele mai importante grupuri financiare din Europa Centrală şi de Est. Grupul are operaţiuni în Ungaria, Slovacia, Croaţia, Bulgaria, România, Montenegru, Ukraina, Serbia şi Rusia.

Outsourcing Romania - Adresa web
Benefit from choosing outsourcing Romania. Receive quality software development services. Low cost competitive prices. Reduce risk using well educated multilingual labor pool. Realize important cost savings with offshoring Romania. Offshore is perfect solution in solving your needs.

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