ArtSoft Consult - Romanian based software outsourcing company, located in Cluj-Napoca. Outsourcing / offshore services in software development. |
Java, oracle, outsourcing, offshore, software, Romania, development, database, custom, IT Outsourcing, Eastern Europe, Rollout, Testing, mobile, Cluj, Cluj-Napoca, Business, Investitii, Investition, Kapital, ...
Art Studio NC is a very well equipped professional photo studio for commercial photography. Covers many areas of commercial photography, from product shoots and still life to large on-location photography shoots. Art Studio NC also produces fine art photography. Provides the best in high quality photography, based on elegant studio lighting and creative image making. |
photography, commercial, pictures, Romania, Bucharest, nicolae cosniceru, artist, art studio, artstudio, advertising, assignments, studio, fine art, still life, product shoot, fashion, portrait, landscape, architecture, on-location, ...
●, fitrex, Wirth, Dan Wirth, workout, training, fitness, PFT, sports, get lean, strength and power, bodybuilding, football, basketball, boxing, baseball, tennis, golf, wrestling, swimming, ...
Outokumpu is an international stainless steel company. Our vision is to be the undisputed number one in stainless, with success based on operational excellence. Customers in a wide range of industries – from the process industry and industrial machinery to building, construction and transportation, electronics and information technology, as well as catering and households – use our metal products, technologies and services worldwide. We are dedicated to helping our customers gain competitiv ... |
heat transfers, steel products, stainless steel, radiators, copper, processing metal, Outokumpu, nickel, metallurgy, metal smelting, metal refining, metal production, metal processing, metal industry, heat exchangers, fabrication, tube, filters, Boliden, AvestaPolarit, ...
Axis provides IP-based network video solutions that include network cameras and video encoders for remote monitoring and security surveillance, in addition to print servers for document management. |
network camera, ip camera, video server, video encoder, surveillance, security, cctv, ptz, megapixel, image quality, mpeg-4, motion jpeg, print
Portal de resurse pentru antreprenori: plan de afaceri, fonduri nerambursabile, credite, programe de finantare, gestionare cash flow. |
plan de afaceri, plan afaceri, plan de afacere, plan afacere, exemple plan de afaceri, planuri de afaceri, fonduri nerambursabile, fonduri nerambursabile pentru imm, fonduri, fonduri imm, imm, grant, granturi, credite, programe de finantare, cash flow, cash-flow, finantari, finantare, surse de finantare, ...
Pagina personala a Presedintelui Romaniei. |
Bluetex International is a leading romanian washing company. We provide technology services that help our clients build and grow their business. Bluetex International serves a broad and diversified international client base. |
spalatorie, curatorie, calcat, spalat, uscat, spala, spalatorie chimica, spalatorie ecologica, utilaje de spalatorie, curatatorie, spalatorie si curatatorie ecologica, costum, haine, spalat covoare, preturi, washing, laundry, overdye, splash, scraping, ...
BAUER Romania, Auger Cleaner, Auger, Base Carrier for Hydraulic Grabs, Batch Mixer, Belling Bucket, Bottom Feed Vibrator, Bucket, Carrier System for Hydraulic Grabs, Casing Drive Adapter, Casing Oscillator, Casing Shoe, Casings, CFA-Drilling, CFA-Equipment, Concrete Pipes, Continuous Flight Auger, Continuous Mixer, Core Barrel, Crane Attached Drill Rig, Crane Attachments, Decanter, Deep Vibrator, Desander Plant, Displacement Attachments, Displacement Equipment, Displacement Tools, Double Head Dr ... |
BAUER Romania, Auger Cleaner, Auger, Base Carrier for Hydraulic Grabs, Batch Mixer, Belling Bucket, Bottom Feed Vibrator, Bucket, Carrier System for Hydraulic Grabs, Casing Drive Adapter, Casing Oscillator, Casing Shoe, Casings, CFA-Drilling, CFA-Equipment, Concrete Pipes, Continuous Flight Auger, Continuous Mixer, Core Barrel, Crane Attached Drill Rig, ...