Radacini Grup. Prezentarea activitatilor din grupul Radacini. Daewoo Heavy Industries, Daewoo Automobile, Fantuzzi, Subaru, CMS, Itameks |
masini, radacini, masina, auto, anunturi second-hand, masini second-hand, auto second-hand, vanzare auto, cumparare auto, vanzare masini, cumparare masini, oferte masini, oferte auto, leasing auto, leasing masini, piese, accesorii, vinzare, vanzare, anunt, ...
ROQUETTE is the world’s largest producer of polyols, sorbitol, maltitol, mannitol, xylitol. One of Europe’s most advanced suppliers of native and modified starches, sweeteners including maltodextrins for the food, pharmaceuticals cosmetics, biochemistry, paper, corrugated board and animal nutrition industries. |
polyols, maltitol, sorbitol, , xylitol, mannitol, hydrogenated glucose syrups, sugar free sweeteners, starch, industrial starches, modified starches, maltodextrins, dried glucose syrups, food and pharma ingredients, additives, , excipients, pregelatinised and extruded starches, cationic and anionic starches, thin boiling starches, ...
laser show design, on demand laser shows, full laser shows |
laser show, laser, show, color laser, yellow-green lasers, DPSS, SMS to Laser, SMS, laser with special effects, logos, effects, beam, graphics, laser graphics, beam shows, event, media, advertising, BTL, PR, ...
Mobilier pentru exterior si interior |
ferestre, termopan, usi, glafuri, glasvanduri, mobila, mobilier, lemn, stratificat, balustrada, grinzi
SUBEX SA is a major fastener manufacturer in Romania that produces screws, bolts, nuts, washers, rivets, stud bolts, anchors. SUBEX designs and manufactures custom-made items
and fasteners for many industries SUBEX SA este liderul producatorilor de organe de asamblare din Romania.Produce suruburi, piulite, saibe, prezoane, nituri, bride.SUBEX proiecteaza si executa o gama larga de
produse speciale si produse standardizate pentru diverse domenii de activitate |
fasteners, organe de asamblare, screws, suruburi, bolts, piulite, nuts, saibe, washers, prezoane, stud botls, nituri, rivets, bride miniere, anchors, subex, bacau, Romania, ...
UTTIS delivers components, accessories, spare parts for heating equipment |
heat treatments lines, pit furnaces, controlled atmosphere furnaces, chamber furnaces, heat treatments, atmosphere generators, industrial furnaces, washing installation, linii continue de tratament, cuptoare verticale, cuptoare cu atmosfera controlata, cuptoare camera, tratamente termice, generatoare de atmosfera controlata, cuptoare industriale, instalatii de spalare, ...
Import and trading company of tungsten carbide inserts and tools, accessories and spare parts for metalworking, woodworking, stoneworking, as well as other hard metal products, wear parts - Societate de import si comert cu placute si scule din carburi metalice sinterizate, accesorii si componente, precum si alte produse din metale dure, piese de uzura |
tungsten carbide, tungsten carbide cutting tools, indexable cutting inserts, hardmetals, Hartmetall, HM, Cemented carbide, carbides, cemented carbide indexable cutting inserts and accessories, cermet, technical ceramics, ceramics, silicon nitride, metalworking, woodworking, plasticsworking, stoneworking, hard materials, accessories, spare parts, ...
Program devize constructii, devize oferta, situatii de lucrari, etc. Functioneaza sub Windows XP. Exporta date catre Primavera Project Planner. Download Demo Gratuit. English: X-DEV = Software for Construction and Related Industries. Cost Estimating, Acounting for Material, Labour, Equipment and Transport, Purchase Orders, Project Management (using Primavera Project Planner (c) ). FREE download demo version.NOTE: This software aims the Romanian Construction Companies. |
program, devize, DEVIZ, oferta, oferte, lucrari, CONSTRUCTII, instalatii, pret, preturi, MATERIAL, MANOPERA, UTILAJ, norma, norme, extrase, resurse, inflatie, SITUATII LUCRARI, INFLATIE, ...
Web presence of Yupiteru in Romania. Factor Industries is the only authorized importer of the Yupiteru products in Romania. |
Super Cat radar detectors, SVE-66R, SVE-27R, CSR-3SR, SV-28R, SRM-23, SRM-24, SCS9, SCS10, FVX89, SVE-20, SVE-22, SVE-25C, SVE-45N, SVE-60N, SVE-84CW, SVE-88CW, SVE-90CW, SVE-92P, SVX-11, ...
