Scandic Distilleries - Scandic Vodka, Tanita Liqueur, Tarie de Bihor, Mikuloff Vodka, Dracula Vodka, Kazaciok Vodka, Gillman's Gin, Cadet, Conte, Amadeus, Mon Ami, Carlos Cariba Rum, Troika, Bitter, Florio, Alcohol, Beverage, Drink, Liquor, Spirit, Brew, Tipple, Booze |
alcohol, drink, liquor, spirit, beverage, brew, tipple, scandic distilleries, scandicdistilleries, scandic, distilleries, distileries, micula, ioan micula, viorel micula, company, transilvania, oradea, romania, bihor, ...
Synovate is the market research arm of communications specialist Aegis Group plc, and one of the world's top global market research firms. |
market research, market research companies, market researcher, market facts, business intelligence, marketfacts, market research agency, global research, omnibus, surveys, advertising research, agriculture research, market dynamics, automotive research, call centre, caller center, contact Centre, contact center, consumer packaged goods, durable goods, ...
UGUR COOLING produce and sales: refrigerating show case, upright cooler and freezer, chest freezer, conservator, refrigerating display, self service wall cabinet, cooling cabinet, etc. |
echipamente frigorifice, echipamente congelatoare, vitrine frigorifice, vitrine congelatoare, vitrina frigorifica, vitrina congelatoare, lada congelatoare, lazi congelatoare, lada frigorifica, lazi frigorifice, ugur, uguryapisan, ugur-yapisan, producator, distribuitor, service, centre service, otopeni, bucuresti, romania, ...
Ramada Iasi este un impresionant hotel situat in centrul Iasului ce se distinge prin eleganta si modernism fiind locul ideal pentru desfasurarea diverselor evenimente dar si solutia perfecta pentru a petrece momente de neuitat. |
Ramada Iasi, restaurant, cazare, centru, evenimente, conferinte, team building, accomodation, facilities, food, beverage, rezervari, Iasi, Moldova,, ...
| - Romanian Recycling Center for Aluminum Beverage Cans |
Restaurant japonez ASAMI este primul restaurant din Romania cu mese de Tappanyaki, in care mancarea se prepara sub ochii clientului, sushi bar, bucatarie snatoasa, preparate usoare, bogate in vitamine si cu enzime benefice organismului, prezervate datorita modului de preparare |
Asami, restaurant, restaurante, restaurants, specific japonez, Japonia, japoneza, mese organizate, mancare, Tappanyaki, sushi bar, peste, legume, petreceri, japoneze, rezervare, spice, terasa, condimente japoneze, catering, ...
superautomatic and traditional machines for coffee based beverages |
superautomatic machines, coffee cappuccino machines, traditional machines, Semiautomatic coffee machines, M1, M2, M3, M53, Superbar, Cappuccino station, professional coffeee machines, cappuccino cream, milk mount, Thermal balance, turbosteam, Cappuccino system, Milk precision system, Smart boiler, Peristaltic pump, coffee grinder doser, ...
Coltul Verde - Restaurant Libanez |
Coltul Verde, restaurant, restaurante, restaurants, specific libanez, Liban, libanez, mese organizate, petreceri, petrecere, rezervare, spice, catering, preparate traditionale, restaurant libanez, bucuresti, culinare, rezervari, menu, beverages, ...
CSOP-TNS, market research and opinion survey leader in Romania,
provides full services using quantitative, qualitative, business-to-business and panel methods in various fields |
ad-hoc, advertising, analysis, analiza, audience, audienta,
auto, awareness, BBSS, beverages, brand, business, business-to-business, calitativ,
cantitativ, CATI, cercetare, cercetare de piata, consum, consumator, ...
Jungbunzlauer is one of the world's leading producers of natural and nature-identical biodegradable ingredients. Jungbunzlauer specialises in citric acid, xanthan gum, gluconates, specialties, special salts and sweeteners for the food, beverage, pharmaceutical and cosmetic industry as well as for various other industrial applications. |
Jungbunzlauer, producer, natural, nature-identical, ingredients, citrics, Citric Acid, LIQUINAT®, Trisodium Citrate Dihydrate, gluconates, Gluconic Acid, Glucono-delta-Lactone, NAGLUSOL®, Sodium Gluconate, Sodium Gluconate EMF 1240, special salts, special citrates, Monosodium Citrate, Tricalcium Citrate, Trimagnesium Citrate, ...
