Welcome to AD consulting. We are a marketing research shop with a different approach. |
marketing research consultancy in Romania, market research consultancy in Romania, quantitative research, qualitative research, focus groups, in-depth interviews, research data, marketing research consultancy in East Europe, advertising research, lifestyle research, mystery shopping, customer satisfaction, ad-hoc consumer research, brand equity research, tracking surveys, product research, package test, automotive research, fmcg research, banking research, ...
Adviser Interactive - Creative concepts & solutions for all of your on line and off line needs - web design, web development, multimedia, motion graphics, consultancy, on line branding, strategy, advertising. Adviser Interactive - mark the difference |
interactive, website building, web site design, web site development, PHP software, multimedia, motion graphics, interactive presentations, branding online, corporate ID, on line applications, programming, B2B, B2C, business, ecommerce solutions, security, strategy, consultancy, online advertising, ...
IDM Club - Bucuresti. Pagina oficiala a Clubului IDM cuprinde informatii despre serviciile oferite: bowling, biliard, snooker, tenis de masa, fitness, bodybuilding, cardio, aerobic, piscina, jacuzzi, masaj, sauna, baie de aburi, ultraviolete (solar), restaurant, bar - totul intr-un loc unde sa va simtiti bine. |
IDM Club, fitness, wellness, biliard, snooker, bowling, tenis de masa, dart, darts, fitness, bodybuilding, cardio, aerobic, piscina, jacuzzi, solar, masaj, baie de aburi, sauna, restaurant, ...
AGENTIA DE PROPRIETATE INDUSTRIALA - APIA este membra a Camerei Nationale a Consilierilor in Proprietate Industriala din Romania si a Asociatiei Europene MARQUES.Firma noastra ofera celor interesati o gama larga de servicii privind inregistrarea, evaluarea, protejarea, promovarea marcilor de produs si servicii, marcilor sonore, marcilor tridimensionale, numelor comerciale, numelor de domenii, indicatiilor geografice etc., asistand si reprezentandu-si clientii in obtinerea, apararea si valorifica ... |
proprietate, sigle, logo, embleme, brand, rebranding, servicii, Agentia APIA, mark-apia, agentie, cadou, cadouri, eveniment, daruri, dar, onomastica, mos craciun, paste, aniversare, ...
VeriSign Digital Brand Management Systems Customer.VeriSign, Inc. operates intelligent infrastructure services that enable and protect billions of interactions every day across the worlds voice and data networks. |
customer parking, SSL certificates, intelligent infrastructure services, internet security, network security, internet merchant accounts, credit card processing, ecommerce solution, dns, telecommunications, digital brand management, ssl
VeriSign Digital Brand Management Systems Customer.VeriSign, Inc. operates intelligent infrastructure services that enable and protect billions of interactions every day across the worlds voice and data networks. |
customer parking, SSL certificates, intelligent infrastructure services, internet security, network security, internet merchant accounts, credit card processing, ecommerce solution, dns, telecommunications, digital brand management, ssl
VeriSign Digital Brand Management Systems Customer.VeriSign, Inc. operates intelligent infrastructure services that enable and protect billions of interactions every day across the worlds voice and data networks. |
customer parking, SSL certificates, intelligent infrastructure services, internet security, network security, internet merchant accounts, credit card processing, ecommerce solution, dns, telecommunications, digital brand management, ssl
agroturism, cazare, pensiuni, romania, turism rural, maramures, apuseni, marginimea sibiului, bran-moeciu, harghita, bucovina |
agroturism, cazare, pensiuni, romania, turism rural, maramures, apuseni, marginimea sibiului, bran-moeciu, harghita, bucovina
VeriSign Digital Brand Management Systems Customer.VeriSign, Inc. operates intelligent infrastructure services that enable and protect billions of interactions every day across the worlds voice and data networks. |
customer parking, SSL certificates, intelligent infrastructure services, internet security, network security, internet merchant accounts, credit card processing, ecommerce solution, dns, telecommunications, digital brand management, ssl
Innovative Werben und clever kaufen, mit einem einmaligen Marketingkonzept: Der Akzenta-Umsatzbeteiligung. Nachhaltige Kundenbindung, mehr Geschäft bis zu 100 Prozent Kaufpreis zurück ... |
Marketing, Absatzförderung, Preis, zurück, Effekt, Akzenta-Umsatzbeteiligung, Werbung, Impuls-Umsatzbeteiligung, Investitionsrückfluss, Risikostreuung, branchenübergreifend, Umsatzkasse, Aktiengesellschaft, Akzenta