Alsacian Group produce: calendare triptice, calendare cu imagini, calendare de birou, calendare de buzunar, agende, importator de pixuri, ceasuri, brichete, brelocuri, alte promotionale, suntem specializati in productia de casete luminoase, firme din neon, cruci de farmacii, litere volumetrice, totemuri, printuri de mari dimensiuni, display-uri, tuburi cu gaze spectrale, roof-topuri, unipoluri, copertine si terase, materiale promotionale, tiparituri |
Alsacian Group, calendare triptice, calendare cu imagini, calendare de birou, calendare de perete, calendare de buzunar, agende datate, agende nedatate, pixuri, ceasuri, brichete, brelocuri, promotionale, afise, agenda, aluminiu, antireflex, autocolante, backprint, banner, ...
Software and advertising company at its basis, AltFactor engaged into national and international eLearning projects. The clients can choose from several tool packs, including design tools, 3-d and multimedia technologies, pedagogical skills. |
software, eLearning (e-Learning), eContent (e-Content), 3D, open source, project, proposal, R&D, research, development, outsourcing, IT&C, ICT, WBT, CBT, LCMS, XML, SCORM, application, animation, ...
VeriSign Digital Brand Management Systems Customer.VeriSign, Inc. operates intelligent infrastructure services that enable and protect billions of interactions every day across the worlds voice and data networks. |
customer parking, SSL certificates, intelligent infrastructure services, internet security, network security, internet merchant accounts, credit card processing, ecommerce solution, dns, telecommunications, digital brand management, ssl
Servicii profesionale web design Romania, Bucuresti. Flash web design, dezvoltare aplicatii CMS, administrare site-uri web, identitate vizuala si branding. |
VeriSign Digital Brand Management Systems Customer.VeriSign, Inc. operates intelligent infrastructure services that enable and protect billions of interactions every day across the worlds voice and data networks. |
customer parking, SSL certificates, intelligent infrastructure services, internet security, network security, internet merchant accounts, credit card processing, ecommerce solution, dns, telecommunications, digital brand management, ssl
Armonic Media :: Web software, Web design, Corporate ID, Outsourceing |
Logo, Icon, Site, Web, Soft, Software, Net, Advertising, Corporate ID, Print, Design, Web design,
Web software, Gratis, Free, Pictograme, Marci, Sigle, Marketing, Creation, ...
Armonic Media :: Web software, Web design, Corporate ID, Outsourceing |
Logo, Icon, Site, Web, Soft, Software, Net, Advertising, Corporate ID, Print, Design, Web design,
Web software, Gratis, Free, Pictograme, Marci, Sigle, Marketing, Creation, ...
Romanian based APT Resources 2 divisions: PR Communications & HR services. Event marketing, media relations, financial PR, graphic design are practiced. Also payroll processing, employee leasing, HR regulations counsel, staff team building programs. |
Admin, Advertising, Agency, APT, Artwork, Assessment, Brand, Branding, Calcul salarial, Call Center, Career, Communication, Conference, Copywriting, Cost, Councelling, Creative, CV, development, Employee, ...
A Rond is a web consulting company delivering online branding, interactive services and web application solutions for business. |
A Rond, web design, web development, e-business, interactive services, branding, identity, CMS, content management, email marketing, ad server, web toolkits, arond
Oferim clientilor nostri servicii de audit si strategie de brand, naming, corporate identity, design de ambalaj, ambiental, branding online, comunicare interna si externa de brand, design, webdesign, design interactiv. |
consultanta de brand, design, branding, audit de brand, strategie de brand, naming, identitate de corporatie, design de ambalaj, design ambiental, comunicare de brand, campanie de imagine, branding intern, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, Europa de Est, ...
