Misiunea Institutului Cultural Român este promovarea culturii şi civilizaţiei naţionale în ţară şi în afara ei. Creşterea vizibilităţii valorilor culturale româneşti în lume constituie scopul principal al activităţilor desfăşurate de ICR. |
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Search our Romanian property listings for property in Romania, including apartments, villas, land, offices and developments, property in Bucharest and the rest of Romania. With offices in Bucharest and London, UK, we can help you find property and investments in Romania. |
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Idea Centrum specializes in corporate identity, web-design, print and advertising services. Founded in 2004, Idea Centrum is fresh and dynamic bringing bold ideas in design that lead to strong brands and strong impact. |
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iDesign Romania is a design, branding and strategic consulting agency, specialized in translating into facts customers needs in both online and offline mediums. |
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IDROMANIA este o echipa mica de tineri profesionisti in domeniul imobiliar care aspira la nivelul cel mai inalt al satisfacerii clientului.
Managementul este roman si olandez si are o perceptie perfecta a pietei imobiliare romanesti, mai cu seama a celei din Bucuresti.
Scopul nostru este de a... |
Provincia Româna a Societatii lui Isus, Romanian Province of the Society of Jesus |
IForce Solutions - Producator si distribuitor de solutii software - prezentare companie, parteneri, produse oferite, servicii oferite. |
NeoManager, WinMENTOR, B-Org, Constanta, Romania, distribuitor, software, soft, hardware, computer, calculator, producator, servicii, program, contabilitate, gestiune, salarizare, internet, pagini web, web design, ...
IF Soft is a highly professional Romanian company specialising in Custom Programming and Software Outsourcing (Offshore Software Development). We provide high quality software development (Databases, Java, Visual C++, Visual Basic, Web/E-commerce) at the lowest possible costs. |
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