Robcon TM SRL is a business located in Timisoara, Romania. We sell coating, welding, heating technology, but also trucks and other heavy equipment. We can represent your business in Romania. |
welding, coating, systems, robots, roboti, industrie, sudura, vopsire, industry, equipment, technology, heating, robcon, romania, Romania, engineering, consulting, cloos, wagner, kamaz, ...
Cohn&Jansen Ashley&Holmes is a Romanian based creative advertising agency. |
Ashley, worldwide, Holmes, creative, marketing, advertising, management, branding, consulting, strategy, interactive, online, Internet, Bucharest, Bucuresti, Romania, companie, corporate, interactive, IndustryStandard, ...
roof, tile roof, metalic roofs, light roofs, burlane, casete de fatada, casete structurale, metalic buildings, confectii metalice, industrial constructions, metalic constructions, constructii prefabricate, constructii usoare, depozite, europrofile, fabrica de tigla, hale industriale, hale metalice, hale prefabricate, inchidere, ...
Solutii complete pentru promovarea afacerilor in mediul virtual |
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Extreme Solutions is a software company based in Romania focused on building web-services. |
High precision round steel bars, shafts and tubes for linear motion system. High precision round bars, shafts and tubes for hydraulic, pneumatic industry. |
cromsteel, steel bars, round steel, slide shafts, linear shafts, precision shafts, piston rods, chromed bars, cylinder tubes, hydraulic tubes, Targoviste, Romania, Dambovita
CUG, C.U.G, Combinatul de Utilaj Greu, Heavy Equipment Works, Cluj-Napoca, Koloszvar, industrie, industry, iron, steel, mechanic, melt, fier, mecanic, otel, topit, Romania, Romānia, ...
Cybernetics ofera cursuri Dassault pentru CATIA, Delmia si Enovia Smarteam, precum si servicii de proiectare. |
Catia inginerie v5 design Smarteam Cursuri Catiav4 catiav5 services CYBERNETICS Cybernetics PLM training LMS Virtual certificare DASSAULT SYSTEMS Altair 3D connexion SPACEPILOT WORKSHOPS curs ABAQUS SIMULIA delmia QCHECKER HYPERWORKS ENOVIA enovia personalizare innovation IMAGINE IDS SERVERE servers statii grafice RETELE WORKSTATIONS analysis FEA lms Lms structural automotive industry NC 3DVIACOMPOSER CAA-RADE VPLM V5R18 CAYOR SPACEEXPLORER NETWORKS
Brightpoint is a global leader in the distribution of wireless devices and the provisioning of customized logistic services to the wireless industry. |
brightpoint wireless cell phone distributor logistic services
Official site of Dasein - office of architecture and sustainable urban development
architecture and planning / Engineering / Project development / Building license / Construction regulations / Urban layouts / Landscape layouts / Planning surpervision / Health regulations, welfare / Design & management / Relocation and refurbishment planning / Interior design / Construction management / Consulting and planning /Development and construction management for real estate, public facilities and production plants / Construction project management, Development management, Prop ...
