ABN Systems International este dealer de echipamente si sisteme de comunicatii: sisteme de telefonie, solutii wireless, casti profesionale, sisteme de conferinta, centrale telefonice, telefoane si accesorii. |
headset, headsets, earbud, plt, manufacturer, manufacturing, bluetooth, blue, tooth, ear, bud, oem, telephone, telephones, phone, adapter, amplifier, communications, conferencing, telecommunications, ...
absolute, design, absolute design, webdesign, web design, prezentari multimedia, evidenta autovehicule, parc auto, cd business card, Flash, multimedia, automan, exploatari, forestiere, managementul parcului auto, ...
solutie integrata de gestiune de tip ERP, dezvoltata in tehnologii de ultima ora, asigura optimizarea si
eficientizarea proceselor din intreprinderile producatoare; sistem ergonomic, modular, flexibil si scalabil |
ERP, Enterprise Resource Planning, sisteme integrate, gestiune, firme de productie, dezvoltare de software,
business software, Enterprise Business Solutions, EBS Romania, 3S Manager, 3S, 3S manager (ERP), MS SQL Server, .NET, XML, implementare,
avantaje, utilizare, companii de productie, firme producatoare, ...
Accorhotels.com: from budget to luxury, online booking, for your business travel, weekend getaways or vacations. See our special offers. |
Brasov Logistic Park - investitii imobiliare in Brasov teren vanzare parc logistic park industrial cartier rezidential dezvoltare |
teren, terenuri, park, logistic, brasov, vladeni, proiect, imobiliar, business, plan, urbanistic, parcele, loturi, lot, parcela, vanzare, ansamblu, cartier, parc, proiect, ...
Actual Consulting is providing consulting recruitment services specializing in the executive search & selection of top and middle managers |
Career, development, consulting, counselling, advice, advisor, professional development, search firm, executives, executive search firm, executive search, executive jobs, senior executive, executive recruiters, executive recruiting, executive recruitment, retained executive search firm, senior level executive search, executive search consultants, consultants in executive search, ...
Adrese Utile - Ghidul tuturor agentilor economici |
Adrese Utile, b2b, business to business, agenti economici, firme, adrese mail, adrese web, Ghidul tuturor agentilor economici, firme focsani, firme iasi, firme galati, firme buzau, publicitate, reclama, catalog comercial, ...
Advantage Software Factory: Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania, Debt Collection Leader |
Advantage Software Factory, Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Sales Force automation, Customer Support, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania
Advantage Software Factory: Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania, Debt Collection Leader |
Advantage Software Factory, Debt Collection Software, Anytime CRM, Custom Development, Sales Force automation, Customer Support, Business Intelligence, Oracle Partner, Banking, Telecom, Insurance, Real Estate, Software Romania
Firma Adversus este implicata in proiecte de consultanta management si business development inca din anul 2000 |
consultanta financiara, consultanta management, business development, finantare, fonduri europene, proiecte de investitie, finantari rambursabile, surse financiare,
Consortiului Parteneriatului Strategic, programe de finantare, planuri de afaceri, analiza de piata, studii de prefezabilitate - fezabilitate, analize cost beneficiu, proiecte tehnice, cariera, formular finantare, ...