Patronatul Asociatia Nationala a Agentiilor de Turism din Romania (ANAT), este o organizatie care are drept scop reprezentarea si apararea intereselor profesionale ale membrilor sai (agentii de turism, entitati din domeniul turismului), pe plan intern si international, garantarea exercitarii profesiei in turism, sporirea contributiei la ridicarea nivelului calitativ al activitatii turistice din Romania. Lista membrilor ANAT, curs valutar, targ de turism |
association, national, travel agency, travel agencies, Romania, anat, ANAT, A.N.A.T., trip, travel, holyday, accommodation, incoming, outgoing, beach, sea side, mountain, SPA, business travel, professional travel association, ...
ANTRA, Asociatia Nationala a Furnizorilor de Training din
Romania. |
Asociatia Oamenilor de Afaceri Iasi 2003 - Businessmen's Association Iasi 2003 - Romania is a non-governmental and non-profit organization where all income is used for activities and services for the companies settled in Iasi County. |
Businessmen's Association Iasi 2003, Romania, Iasi, Asociatia Oamenilor de Afaceri Iasi 2003, AOA 2003, asociatie, oameni, organizatie, ne-guvernamentala, non-profit, ong, venit, IASI, Asociatie, Oameni, Servicii, Judetul Iasi, Cifra afaceri, servicii, agenti, ...
Levor in center of Bucharest Romania, offers accommodation for business and vacation travel. Rent a room or apartment through Travel Agency Visali. |
Noi iti oferim exact ce doresti in Bucuresti : apartamente, birouri in bloc sau business center, vile spatioase cu destinatia de locuinta sau birouri, magazine/spatii comerciale cu vad, locuinte in regim hotelier si terenuri in zone centrale, rezidentiale sau imprejurimi. |
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Archimedes Consulting Group |
consulenza romania, firme de consultanta, firma de consultanta, consultanta timisoara, consultanta, locuri de munca, jobs, consulting, opportunita d'affari, oportunitati de afaceri, business opportunity, realizzare partnership in Romania, parteneriate romano-italiene, industria, trading, marketing, service, controllo finanziario, commercialista, tributario, ...
O ambianta de exceptie unde poti servi un business launch, o cina romantica sau o masa intre prieteni. Va asteptam cu preparate delicioase atat din bucataria traditionala, cat si din cea internationala. |
Romanian blog about business and strategy |
Romanian blog, business Romania, strategy romania, business blog, blogging Romania, strategy Romania, business strategy Romania, technology Romania, disruptive change Romania, Romanian blogs, entrepreneurs in Romania, new Romanian ventures, Romanian business analysis
A Rond is a web consulting company delivering online branding, interactive services and web application solutions for business. |
A Rond, web design, web development, e-business, interactive services, branding, identity, CMS, content management, email marketing, ad server, web toolkits, arond
Bine ati venit pe situl studioului foto Artista! |
fotografie profesionala, studio foto, photo studio, imagini frumoase, terapie prin fotografie, therapy by photography, terapie, therapy, arta, art, beautyful images, images, art images, nice shot, shot, shots, nice shots, business images, landscapes, fashion photo, ...
