Cuvinte cautate: Business process | pagina 68


Pentagon Business COM - Adresa web
Distribuitor oficial al diviziei Alcatel Business Systems, centrale telefonice digitale, retele telefonice si date, integrator de systeme de comunicatii.

Societate de Servicii si Consultanta in Inginerie Informatica, Bucuresti, Brasov, Chisinau, Franta, ... - Adresa web
Gestiunea Informatiei, Baze de Date, Retele si Telecomunicatii, Inginerie de Dezvoltare, Offshore, Consultanta, Training, Business Intelligence

Edison Co., Bine ati venit! - Adresa web
Edison Co. - The best in the business

Petrea, Agentura tehnica - Adresa web
Petrea Agentura Tehnica - uitlaje si linii CNC pentru producerea de tamplarie din pvc si aluminiu, utilaje si linii pentru producerea de geam termopan si pentru prelucrarea sticlei, sisteme de profile din pvc roplasto germania, feronerie roto – germania pentru ferestre si usi din pvc si aluminiu

Philip Morris International: Home - Adresa web
Philip Morris International is one of the largest tobacco companies in the world, producing many of the world's best-selling cigarette brands. We understand that producing a harmful product makes our industry more controversial than others; that's why we've devoted much of this site to such topics as the health effects of smoking, secondhand smoke and youth smoking prevention.
● tobacco cigarettes smoking multinational Philip Morris International business press media regulation ingredients constituents addiction health effects..

photoland images, millions of high quality stock images from world's biggest agencies - Adresa web
Stock Photography - Rights managed and Royalty Free Stock Photography, from world's biggest agencies at Photoland. Corbis, masterfile, Superstock and many more. Download rights managed and royalty free stock photography and stock images at high quality to use in your presentations. Build a stock photo lightbox with our rights managed and royalty free image collection, search stock images for business stock photos, beauty, stock photographs, editorial and more!

Pictas Interactive, Act. React. Interact. - Adresa web
Pictas is a creative studio involved in producing ATL and BTL advertising such as sites, banners, brochures, envelopes, business cards, virtual tours and many more

Pipe Studios, production, postproduction, video, audio and film - Adresa web
Pipe Studio is your alternative for expensive production and postproduction facilities, with no compromise on quality, deadlines or complexity.

Casing machines, Bag soldering machines, Plastic pieces manufacturing, Metalic constructions, plametco ... - Adresa web
Masini de baxat, masini de lipit pungi, prelucrari materiale plastice, prelucrari mecanice, casing machines, bag soldering machines, plastic pieces manufacturing, metalic constructions, mechanical processing
● Casing machines - Bag soldering machines - Plastic pieces manufacturing - Metalic constructions -

Consultanta si masini procesare, reciclare plastic - Adresa web
Masini, echipamente, consultanta pentru procesare si reciclare mase plastice, inclusiv PET, metode si aparate de masurare a caracteristicilor produselor

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