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MBA, certificari, internationale, postuniversitar, training, cursuri, management de proiect, Open University, Master of Business Administration, angajari, diploma, sali de curs, editura, carti, librarie virtuala |
MBA, certificari, internationale, postuniversitar, training, cursuri, management de proiect, Open University, Master of Business Administration, angajari, diploma, sali de curs, editura, carti, librarie virtuala, ...
Metav parc este situat in zona de nord a capitalei. Metav business park ofera spatii birouri, spatii depozitare, business center. |
Unul dintre cei mai mari de producatori de incaltaminte din piele naturala din Romania |
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Servicii profesionale de consultanță îm marketing, resurse umane și management |
consulting, consultanță, marketing, management, resurse umane, management, human resources, business, afaceri, center, complete
Acces Internet, ISP, Internet Service Provider, Telefonie, VoIP, Telefonie Fixa, Softphone, Phone ID, Internet, access, fibra optica, wireless, dial-up, acces dedicat, hosting, collocation, colocare, datacenter, datacentre, ip vpn, ...
ComputerLand, Romania, integrator, produse, solutii, servicii, IT, sisteme brand-name, IBM, HP, Compaq, MBL, software, service, instruire, Centru Instruire, training, Microsoft CTEC, ...
Romania.org is the #1 webspot about Romania. We are the first portal site ever, that focussed exclusively on Romania, the country, the people, the history. |
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Website oficial al companiei Coral. © 2008, Coral. |
Website oficial al companiei Coral. © 2008, Coral.
Website oficial al companiei Coral Plaza Mall. © 2008, Coral Plaza Mall. |
