Cuvinte cautate: Business software | pagina 8


KeySoft, Solutii Software pentru Management: TMS, ERP, CRM, DMS, SFA, HR, BI, BPM - Adresa web
Key Soft - Solutii software pentru managementul afacerii. Solutie completa ce include ERP - Planificarea resurselor intreprinderii, CRM - Gestiunea relatiilor cu clientii, DMS - managementul documentelor si al fluxurilor, SFA - gestiunea fortei mobile de vanzari - agenti de vanzare, HR - resurse umane, Payroll - salarizare, B2C - Business to Consumer - Catalog web, BPM - Business Process Management - Automatizarea proceselor interne

MacrostandarD Editura si Informatica S.R.L. - Adresa web
Dezvoltam aplicatii pentru analiza financiar-contabila fara concurenta pe piata romaneasca. Realizate pe platforma xls/xla si pdf/fdf reprezinta o adevarata revolutie in domeniul informaticii economice din Romania. Formatul xls este cel mai raspindit registru de calcul tabelar iar formatul pdf este cel mai versatil si accesibil format de document multiplatforma. Realizam formulare electronice (iePaper-iForm) si adaptam programele noastre la cerintele clientului

Magic Solutions Ltd. - Adresa web

Magic Solutions Ltd. - Adresa web

Maximizer Software, The Customer Relationship Management Company, Simply Successful CRM - Adresa web
CRM (customer relationship management) and contact management software for sales management, marketing automation, customer service and support, and e-commerce. Over 5000 Maximizer Enterprise customers and one million Maximizer users worldwide

SmartSoft Romania, software outsourcing services, offshore and nearshore development - Adresa web
SMARTSOFT is a Software Development company, offering: Outsourcing, Web Marketing, E-learning, E-Business and Web Design services

.: MICS SOFTWARE :. Aplicatii de salarii, contabilitate, gestiune, manopera, facturi, clienti, furnizori ... - Adresa web
MICS Software - Impreuna in universul IT, sistem performant de gestiune economica, software de calitate. Your business partner in software applications

Kaspersky Mobile Security - Adresa web
Kaspersky Antivirus pentru companii sau pentru acasa. Solutia completa pentru protectia telefonului dumneavoastra impotriva virusilor.

MPO, Management Process Organizer - Adresa web
MPO - Management Process Organizer - este unul dintre programele informatice importante ale unei companii. Cu ajutorul lui, managerii pot organiza rapid si eficient toate activitatile de management ale firmei.

Muse Software, Professional Web design, Web development and Web promotional services - Adresa web
Muse Software is a software company specialized in Internet solutions, from web development and customized e-commerce solutions to corporate identity development and promotional services

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