Expert, Software, X5, ERP, MRP, CRM, GSM, Logistica, WMS,
productie, magazin, afacere, asycuda, business, comert, comision, comisionar, dealer, development, distribuitor, ...
Programe Software la indemana ta: ERP Manager Financiar, CRM, ALOP, eParcAuto |
Help Desk, Outsourcing and Business Solutions |
helpdesk, help, desk, outsourcing, how to, howto, how, cum sa, cum, call center, call, center, help office, php, html, qlikview, business intelligence, bi, easyhelp, job, ...
IG Artis Media - Web Solutions for Your Business |
webdesign, artismedia, prahova, neamt, logo, business, cms, ecommerce, crm, erp, design, logo, identitate
Network Solutions - Original domain name registration and reservation services with variety of internet-related business offerings. Quick, dependable and reliable. |
domain name, domain names, domain name registration, whois, internic, dot com people, web address, TLD, .com, .net, .org, idNames, Verisign, web forwarding, mail, registry, registrar, internet address, ICANN, web site, ...
Rwebworks offer solutions for the technologies that support today's rapidly evolving, ever-changing business environment. We have been on the cutting-edge, bringing proven experience and in-depth expertise to bear on Information Technology challenges. Our systems development, and e-Business solutions enable us to stand strong as one of the most respected technology firms, Outsourcing to India |
Jobs, Placement, nasik, nashik, India, Website, HR, Software, Openings, Bodyshoping, Outsourcing, software, development, web design, webdesign, coputer work, computer related work, c, java, vb, ...
The interactive agency that combines both creative strategy and strong management skills. Interactivity, web development and sofisticated visual concepts are key elements for providing successful solutions for profitable online business. |
braincap, Brain Cap, interactive, creative, agency, online business, agentie, internet, interactiv, online, digital, comunicare, advertising, publicitate, campania, webdesign, site-uri, bannere, full service, website, ...
Creatink is a results-oriented agency, providing marketing, advertising, PR, creative and production services from concept to implementation, solutions and ideas to accelerate business objectives. Agentia de publicitate creatink ofera in mod constant clientilor nostri solutii de marketing, de publicitate si relatii publice; de la brand si logo design, la campanii integrate de marketing, marketing direct, media buying, design web, productie publicitara;design si productie de standuri expozitionale ... |
agentie, agency, publicitate, advertising, bannere, mesh, creatie, campanie, spot, design, standuri expozitionale, relatii, publice, indentitate, brand, logo, marketing, media, web, productie, ...
Cristian Ducu, Ethics and Compliance, Business Ethics, Academic Ethics, University Ethics, Research Ethics, Conflict Ethics, Mass Media Ethics, Ethical Theories, Ethics and Compliance Management Systems, Ethics and Compliance Officer, ECO, CECO, Ethics and Compliance Audit, CSR, Corporate Social Responsibility, Codes of Ethics, Codes of Conduct, Ethics Committees, Stakeholder Management, Business Ethics Coaching, CSR training, CSR Workshops 2009, Organizational Responsibility, Smart Solutions & |
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