Cuvinte cautate: Business-to-business | pagina 132


dot::design // digital::tailors // professional web design / print / multimedia / identity - Adresa web
dot::design professional web design & Development, Romania, Web Design Companies, Web design company Romania, web design romania, Romanian web graphic design flash Romanian Internet Solution, Romania webdesign, design, romanian ecommerce, a2b, web, internet, business, e-commerce, dot, design, romania, web, e-commerce, asp, php, html, multimedia, print, flash, mysql, database, application, database application, aplicatie, baze de date, cd, cd de prezentare

KeySoft, Solutii Software pentru Management: TMS, ERP, CRM, DMS, SFA, HR, BI, BPM - Adresa web
Key Soft - Solutii software pentru managementul afacerii. Solutie completa ce include ERP - Planificarea resurselor intreprinderii, CRM - Gestiunea relatiilor cu clientii, DMS - managementul documentelor si al fluxurilor, SFA - gestiunea fortei mobile de vanzari - agenti de vanzare, HR - resurse umane, Payroll - salarizare, B2C - Business to Consumer - Catalog web, BPM - Business Process Management - Automatizarea proceselor interne

3M Worldwide - Adresa web
Explore 3M, the diversified technology company with leading positions consumer and office; display and graphics; electronics and telecommunications; health care; industrial; safety, security and protection services; transportation and other businesses.
● 3M about 3m innovation innovative products and technologies technology solutions architecture construction auto automotive marine aerospace electronics manufacturing graphic arts signs health care home leisure manufacturing industrial office products transportation personal safety utilities telecommunications investors financials 3m worldwide quarterly earnings skin health security touch systems

GTS Telecom - Adresa web
Despre GTS TelecomGTS Telecom este parte a GTS Central Europe, cel mai important operator alternativ de telecomunicaţii la nivel regional. Certificată ISO 9001 GTS Telecom furnizează cele mai stabile soluţii de comunicaţii din România, pe care le gestionează până la interfaţa de conectare a clienţilor (end-to-end). Nivelul mediu de stabilitate al soluţiilor GTS Telecom în 2006 a fost de 99, 85%, (sau în medie 788 minute de întrerupere).Poziţionată ca Business AcceleratorTM GTS T ...

GTS Telecom - Adresa web
Despre GTS TelecomGTS Telecom este parte a GTS Central Europe, cel mai important operator alternativ de telecomunicaţii la nivel regional. Certificată ISO 9001 GTS Telecom furnizează cele mai stabile soluţii de comunicaţii din România, pe care le gestionează până la interfaţa de conectare a clienţilor (end-to-end). Nivelul mediu de stabilitate al soluţiilor GTS Telecom în 2006 a fost de 99, 85%, (sau în medie 788 minute de întrerupere).Poziţionată ca Business AcceleratorTM GTS T ...

KYOCERA MITA, laserprinter, printer, copier, multifunctionals, Homepage - Adresa web
Optimize your business with KYOCERA enterprise network workgroup printer copier multifunction (MFP) & document management solutions.

KYOCERA MITA, laserprinter, printer, copier, multifunctionals, Homepage - Adresa web
Optimize your business with KYOCERA enterprise network workgroup printer copier multifunction (MFP) & document management solutions.

LAND INVESTMENT --- Investitii si consultanta imobiliara - Adresa web
LandInvestment este specializata in servicii complete de consultanta si investitii imobiliare, in vanzari si inchirieri proprietati de orice fel atat pentru persoane fizice cat si juridice.

Larive Romania, International Business Development - Adresa web
Larive Romania - Business Development Advice

LARK Computers, join us in a mobile world - Adresa web
LARK computers offer software solutions for every branch of your mobile business - applications, games, mobile marketing and advertising. Discover our Trillcode, Real estate, Buy mobile, Mobile learning, Travel dictionary products. Call us to develop customized games or applications.

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