Cuvinte cautate: Call center logger solution | pagina 11


Best Consulting , Despre Noi - Adresa web
Web site Best Consulting S.R.L. - Proiectare, Consultanta si Executie: Tehnologii de impuscare la suprafata si in subteran; Tehnologii de impuscare speciale pentru demolari constructii civile, industriale, subacvatice; Monitorizarea si evaluarea efectelor lucrarilor de impuscare.

BESTWARE, IT Solutions for your success - Adresa web
BESTWARE - Your BEST business partner in software services, IBM Advanced Business Partner, Synaptris Certified Partner, lotus notes, domino, document management, websphere, consultanta, project management, DB2 Content Manager, Adobe Live Cycle, consultanta, websphere portal, IT, key expert, romania, sistem de gestionare a documentelor, formulare electronice, integrare de sisteme

Web Development Outsourcing with BetterSoft - Adresa web
BetterSoft Community provides offshore software outsourcing solutions, and full-featured web design & programming services. Professional, reliable solutions, fast time to market, and competitive rates.

standardele, targuri, tarif, tarifar, tarifele, tariful, tehnic, tehnologia, tehnologia informatiei ... - Adresa web
BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE CENTER s.r.l. - consultanta în domeniul dezvoltarii activitatii manageriale, servicii de internationalizare, traduceri autorizate
● BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE CENTER s.r.l. - consultanta în domeniul dezvoltarii activitatii manageriale, servicii de internationalizare, traduceri autorizate, 1998, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, afaceri, afacerilor, agricultura, alimentare, alimente, analiza, angajator, ...

The International Center of Biodynamics - Adresa web
biodynamics, center, international,


BITWARE, Custom Software Solutions - Adresa web
BITWARE IT established in Romania provides IT consulting and software development services

Bizzcard, webdesign and multimedia - Adresa web
Bizzcard offers you professional web design & multimedia services. We provide complete, cost-effective solutions suited to your needs. We specialize in delivering high-impact presentaions for online or offline marketing.

Bizzcard, webdesign and multimedia - Adresa web
Bizzcard offers you professional web design & multimedia services. We provide complete, cost-effective solutions suited to your needs. We specialize in delivering high-impact presentaions for online or offline marketing.

Black Solutions - Adresa web

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