Cuvinte cautate: Caller center | pagina 8


CYBERNET Romania - Adresa web
Cybernet Romania : calculatoare, imprimante, copiatoare, retele, sisteme integrate, copy center, audio-video, service, bacau

Dako - Adresa web
Pagina de prezentare a firmei Dako, presentation page of Dako company

home - Adresa web
This web site has been created technology from Avanquest Publishing USA, Inc.

Data Plus Networks - Adresa web
DATA PLUS NETWORKS, MITEL Platinum VAR, activeaza in Romania pe piata de telecomunicatii ca unic distribuitor al produselor si aplicatiilor MITEL Networks Inc (sisteme telefonice VoIP, aplicatii Call Center, etc)

Decorporate Media, TRUE ATTITUDE! - Adresa web
DECORPORATE MEDIA - True Attitude - Integrated Planning, Relatii publice, Creatie, Marketing direct, Internet Marketing, Organizari de evenimente

Delta Medical Center - Adresa web, webdesign and development - Adresa web - webdesign and development

Designstation ./ Evolution in perfection - Adresa web
DESIGNSTATION is an award winning web solutions provider established in late 2002 that delivers creative solutions in a technical world. We are the best in web site development, design, multimedia, animation and corporate identity. Our services include the planning, creation and implementation of web solutions that enhance our client’s ability to meet the needs of their customers, business partners and staff.

Asconet, furnizor de servicii integrate, de Internet, telefonie, securitate şi reţele structurate - Adresa web
Asconet este cel mai important furnizor de servicii integrate de Internet şi telefonie fixă pentru Sibiu şi alte zone din Transilvania, România.

DFS CENTER GRUP, Home - Adresa web
Joomla - the dynamic portal engine and content management system

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copyright - jocuri, ziare, stiri, sport, matrimoniale - director web 2008