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de traducere, localization, localizare, l10n, localize, localise, localisation,
software localization, localizare aplicatii software, web localization,
localizare web, ...
Eurotex Company is located in Iasi, Romania. We are manufacturing mainly women's wear, but also children's and men's wear. |
garments, factory, clothes, manufacturer, Romanian, textiles, producer, trousers, skirts, jackets, blouses, shirts, dresses, t-shirts, confectii, textile, pantaloni, fuste, rochii, bluze, ...
Organizari evenimente corporate, consultanta turistica si in planificarea strategica a evenimentelor, activitati de team building, locatii atractive si idei noi, training pentru personalul implicat in organizare. |
aspirator local; exhaustor; axhaustare; filtre aer; filtru rumegus; cabina vopsire; ciclou; exhaustor local; instalatii de aspiratie; anti-incendii; ventilatoare centrifugare; tubulatura
ziar, ziare, romania, romanesti, televiziune, televiziuni, presa, radio, radiouri, agentie, agentii, local, locale, moldova, diaspora, stiri, informatii, economie, finante, politica, ...
Fundatia pentru dezvoltare rurala din Romania |
fundatie, dezvoltare, rural, Romania, agricultura, parteneriat, tehnica, invatamant, scoala, pregatire, liceu, Bucuresti, consultanta, schimb, local, ferma, discutii, ajutor, ziare, program, ...
Consiliul Local Fieni - PORTAL, |
Our aim is to help our clients promote their products and services and increase their profitability through effective and powerful live communication. In order to achieve this, we provide unique solutions that go straight to the heart of our audience. |
Event management, Funky Business, Eveniment/Evenimente, Event planning, organizari conferinte, BTL, Events, Branding, Event management, Funky Business, Eveniment/Evenimente, Event planning, organizari conferinte, BTL, Events, Branding, Launches, Conferences, Local and International Exhibitions, Roadshows, ...
First Class Magazine, address all local and foreign readers, enterprises or manifestations that profess excellence and step out of the ordinary toward the distinctive, the smart and the remarkable. |
First Class, accomodation, real estate, tourism, health, beauty, market, restaurants, hotels, events, Romania, Bucharest
Flowers delivery to Romania, send flowers by local florist to Romania, Romanian florist, flowers delivery romania, Romanian flowers delivery |