Italtruck Center SRL - dealer IVECO in Brasov din 1998. Sediu: Bdul Grivitei 1W, la iesirea din Brasov spre Targu Mures. Servicii: vanzari autovehicule Iveco noi si rulate, finantare, service si vanzare piese de schimb Iveco originale. |
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| is the #1 webspot about Romania. We are the first portal site ever, that focussed exclusively on Romania, the country, the people, the history. |
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SRK oferÄ soluĹŁia completÄ ĂŽn informatica economicÄ Ĺi legislativÄ. |
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| is the #1 webspot about Romania. We are the first portal site ever, that focussed exclusively on Romania, the country, the people, the history. |
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| is the #1 webspot about Romania. We are the first portal site ever, that focussed exclusively on Romania, the country, the people, the history. |
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Kirucom Group, firma cu sediul in Brasov, Romania, ofera solutii de calitate pentru case, vile si garaje.
Domenii de activitate:
fabricarea si comercializarea saunelor finlandeze, infrasaunelor, accesorii de sauna
construirea de piscine exterioare si interioare, echipamente de piscina,
comercializarea usilor de garaj si portilor industriale Hoermann si DoorTeck
(distribuitor zonal autorizat) |
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garaj, garaje, ...
Vanzari de stampile Trodat, Reiner, Kupietz, masini de stampile, consumabile si accesorii pentru stampile. Prestare servicii: executie de stampile, carti de vizita alb-negru si color pe cartoane indigene si import, coli cu antet alb-negru si color, ecusoane, legitimatii, invitatii si diverse tiparituri, laminari in folie de plastic A4 si A3 editare grafica pe calculator |
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