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Institutul Roman de Istorie Recenta / The Romanian Institute for Recent History - Adresa web
Institutul Roman de Istorie Recenta (IRIR)/ The Romanian Institute for Recent History is the major Romanian Institute for the study of recent and contemporary history

Enterprise Content Management Solutions (ECM), Open Text Corporation - Adresa web
Open Text (Nasdaq: OTEX) (TSX: OTC) is the market leader in providing Collaboration, Enterprise Content Management software solutions. Livelink, is an integrated compliant software solution for the global enterprise.

K1 The Magik Knights v1.2 - Adresa web
Official K1 Site

- Adresa web
Lycos UK offers daily news, celebrity gossip and horoscopes. Play free online games, watch funny videos, enter competitions and search for jobs. All this plus the latest information about films, music, cars, travel and money. Lycos offers many online services including online dating, shopping, Lycos iQ, forums, blogs and online chat, plus web hosting and email.

Welcome to the Frontpage - Adresa web
, MGT Educatonal - distri=buitor autorizat al marcilor: Olympus, Wacom, Verbatim, Hitachi Audio video, Avision, Braun, Cerwin Vega, Yamada. Solutii de arhivare, Solutii de captura, management de documente, flux de documente

Anul 2000, Anul Eminescu / 2000, Eminescu Year - Adresa web
Site-ul oficial Mihai Eminescu. Acest site face parte din proiectul CD-ROM Eminescu - anul 2000, realizat de Fundatia Culturala Libra si ITC, cu sprijinul financiar al Ministerului Culturii. Art Director - Catalin Ilinca, Editor - Daniela Tomescu Director de proiect - Dan Mircea Cipariu

Romanian Sailing Federation - Adresa web
This is the official page of Romanian Sailing Federation. Here there are presented the most important events, results and calendar of the Romanian Sailing Federation. Important links and photo archive complete the site.

SER, Enterprise Content Management, electronic archiving, document-management, business process management ... - Adresa web
SER is software manufacturer for Enterprise Content Management solutions. More than 23 years experience in electronic archiving, document management, business process management, inbound management etc. distinguish us from our competition.

Haenel Romania, Depozite automatizate, rafturi metalice, logistica, raft, depozitare - Adresa web
Hanel Romania - instalatii de ridicat, sisteme logistice, depozite, rafturi, stelaje, depozite carusel

Udvarhelyi Hirado - Adresa web
Udvarhelyi Híradó - Független Információs Lap. Székelyudvarhely és Udvarhelyszék napilapja. Frissítve naponta. (copyright (c) 2003 Lorincz Barna)

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