Hydra Ltd. - well established supplier of equipment, solutions, turnkey solutions for broadcast industry |
Hydra, broadcast, computer based television, computers, video, D9, Digital-S, cameras, disk recorders, plasma display, solutions
IMSAT SA Bucharest specialized in industrial services: Automation, Railways, Telecommunications, Networking, Firefighting & Access control systems, Electrical equipment, Metallic structures |
Infoprint Srl is a leading supplier of Romanian print industry |
Infoprint, Raflatac, tipografie, consumabile, printing, offset, ofszet, nyomda, distributor, Romania, chimicale, poligrafice, folii, placa, legatorie, cerneluri, lacuri, autocolant, poleit, Odorhei, ...
KALIS Computers SRL Cluj-Napoca ofera solutii complete IT: asistenta tehnica si service, asamblare/comercializare hardware, web design si Internet publishing, distribuitor autorizat suita contabilitate 'Logicont'. Desktop computers and hardware/software retailer, web design and technical assistance IT company based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania |
kalis, computers, cluj-napoca, cluj, computere, servicii, desktop computers, computer, laptop, service, internet, software, web design, services, suppliers, hardware, multimedia, consultants, consultanta, pc, ...
Gipscarton, gips carton, gips-carton, placare, perete, pereti, placari, pardoseli, finisaj, finisaje, tavan, tavane, compartimentare, compartimentari, profil, profile, casetat, casetate, placi de ciment, ipsos, ...
Metso is a global leader in the supply of processes, machinery and systems for the pulp and paper industry. Metso is also the leader in the supply of rock and mineral processing systems. The Corporation also has a strong position as a supplier of automation and flow control solutions. |
Metso Corporation, Metso Automation, Metso Minerals, Metso Paper, Metso Ventures, pulp, paper, construction engineering, civil engineering, energy, chemical, mining
Firma de import, distributie si furnizor Mobil Dect SRL de telefoane fara fir, dect si cordless, pc pockets, tensiometre si termometre, Bucuresti, Romania |
import, firma, distributie, furnizor, aparate, telefonice, telefoane, fara, fir, dect, cordless, pcpockets, tensiometre, termometre, Bucuresti, ...
Ericsson is the leading provider in the new telecoms world, with communications solutions that combine telecom and datacom technologies with the freedom of mobility for the user. With more than 100, 000 employees in 140 countries, Ericsson simplifies communications for its customers - network operators, service providers, enterprises and consumers - the world over. |
telecommunications equipment suppliers telecom mobile cellular systems radio messaging GSM PDC AMPS D-AMPS TDMA DECT PCS personal communications PCN access telephones terminals modems ISDN cordless datacom public networks networking transport enterprise cable fiber data PBX PABX packet switching frame relay IP Internet ATM engineering management microwave transmission components services business consulting energy defense radar routers switches Ericcson Erikson Eriksson Ericson Erickson WCDMA CD ...
Outokumpu is an international stainless steel company. Our vision is to be the undisputed number one in stainless, with success based on operational excellence. Customers in a wide range of industries – from the process industry and industrial machinery to building, construction and transportation, electronics and information technology, as well as catering and households – use our metal products, technologies and services worldwide. We are dedicated to helping our customers gain competitiv ... |
heat transfers, steel products, stainless steel, radiators, copper, processing metal, Outokumpu, nickel, metallurgy, metal smelting, metal refining, metal production, metal processing, metal industry, heat exchangers, fabrication, tube, filters, Boliden, AvestaPolarit, ...
Petrom Gas SRL official website. Websitul oficial al companiei Petrom Gas SRL |
