RomNIC is the Romanian Network Information Center and the Domain Name Registry for Romania. Register your own domain-name under the new Romanian generic top-level domains today! |
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400 305 Str. Tebei nr 21, corp C, et 3 Cluj-Napoca, Romania Tel/Fax: 40-(0)264-420 476 Mobile: 0746 148747 Monday&Thursday 10:00-18:00 Tuesday &Wednesday 14:00-20:00 Friday 14:00-18:00 E-mail:, , introduction ACCESS Language Centre Cluj arose from the necessity to meet a local need to offer good quality courses to all those who have not had the chance to study it within the framework of an institutionalised educational body, or those who want to improve ..... the ...
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ACTTM: cercetare tehnico-stiintifica, proiectare, dezvoltare tehnologica, testare-evaluare si mentenanta pentru echipamentele si tehnica militara |
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Netex Consulting - CallCenter - Outsourcing in Osteuropa, deutsche Qualität zu rumänischen Preisen. Call-Center, Inbound und Outbound Calls, Büroservice, Webdesign und Programmierung in PHP, Flash. |
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ADM FARM este o societate cu capital integral romanesc, fondata in 1998, avand sediu central in Bucuresti.Activitatea principala consta in importul si distributia de medicamente, cosmetice si produse parafarmaceutice, ADM FARM fiind in mod constant priintre primii 8 distribuitori pe piata farmaceutica de retail din Romania.Compania editeaza o oferta catalog in care se pot gasi detalii despre produse nou aparute pe piata si despre produsele distribuite de firma. |
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Site-ul oficial al Agentiei pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Centru |
ADR Centru, Agentia pentru Dezvoltare Regionala Centru,
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Aer Tech - HVAC, HVACR, scroll compressors, AC troubleshooting, AC repair, AC maintenance, humidity, ventilation, hygienic air, high precision AC units, industrial appliances, close control, IT industry, shelters, technological rooms, laboratories, components and compresors, high durability |
