Sisteme de securitate si protectie, paza umana, paza obiective, Sisteme de alarmare Monitorizare audio/video, Paza obiective Transport valori Garda de corp Interventie rapida
Software company INTERCODE Romania, Custom software development, Windows, Windows CE, The best outsourcing solution, Warehouse management, workflow applications, internet, intranet solutions |
intercode, software, company, custom, development, outsourcing, Windows, CE, Win CE, wince, warehouse, workflow, intranet, applications, ASP, Visual Studio, Microsoft, VB, IIS, C++, ...
calculatoare second hand, monitoare second hand, second hand calculatoare, calculatoare secondhand, monitoare, laptop-uri, imprimante laser second, sisteme sh, monitoare sh, laptop-uri sh, pc second hand, in Bucuresti. Calculatoare second, vanzari, oferte. |
calculatoare second hand, calculatoare pentium 4, calculatoare refurbished, pc second hand, monitoare, second, hand, flat, laptop-uri, pentium 3, Dell, Ibm, Compaq, Hp, Fujitsu-Siemens, Sony, Vanzari sisteme second hand, computers, calculator, computer, ...
Sisteme de securitate, control acces, taxare in parcari auto, reprezentanta Scheidt&Bachmann, parcari auto, bariere auto, automat de taxare, statie de taxare, sisteme pentru parkinguri auto, automate fiscale, eliberator tichete, bon fiscal, tichete de parcare, banda magnetica, coduri de bare, ChipCoin, eliberare bonuri fiscale, eliberare automata tichet, Sistem securitate la Aeroportul Sibiu, WinMarkt Ploiesti, Winmarkt parking, afisaj pentru parcare, numaratoare locuri libere in parcare, panour ... |
HR Device - solutii externalizate de resurse umane |
florin tudose, psihiatrie, psihologie, catalina tudose, psihopolitica, tudose, psihopatologie, psihologie medicala, resurse umane, recrutare, selectie, evaluare, personal, psiho-profesional, testare psihologica, diagnoza organizationala, team-building, training, HR, RU, ...
Willkommen auf der Webseite von comperfect®! Wir sind der kompetente Partner für Computerkurse (Internet, Word, Excel etc.), wir erstellen Ihre Webpräsenz und programmieren für Sie VBA-Makros. |
comperfect, Schulung, Computerschulung, Computerkurse, Kernen-Stetten, Waiblingen, Fellbach, Esslingen, Stuttgart, PowerPoint, Programmierung, VBA, Excel, Word, Visual Basic, PC, Computer, Burger, homepage, web, ...
home - Companie de dezvoltare software specializata in Microsoft NET (ASP Net) si PHP cu centru de management in Rotterdam, Olanda si centru de dezvoltare soft de outsourcing in Bucuresti, Romania |
home, software, outsourcing, offshore, software, development, outsourcing, offshore, software, outsourcing, IT, microsoft, net, software, development, outsourcing, Microsoft, PHP, Mysql, MSSQL, ...
Servere Virtuale Private (VPS), pachete de gazduire, inregistrare domenii, software pentru administrarea serverelor, consultanta în probleme de securitate, solutii VoIP, sisteme de operare, solutii VPN, proiectare si întretinere de retele, servere si clustere de servere |
VPS, virtual server, hosting, domain registration, gazduire, software, corporate mail, plesk, virtuozzo, voipnow, VoIP, data center
IntraWeb Software is a software company developing web-based database applications for intranet/extranet using open source tools (Zope, Python, PostgreSQL). The main domains are CRM and document management. |
Joomla - the dynamic portal engine and content management system |