Cuvinte cautate: Chemicals industry | pagina 8


Moeller, Echipamente electrice si de automatizare - Adresa web
The Moeller Group has its headquarters in Bonn and approximately 12, 000 employees at over 350 locations in almost 80 countries. In some sectors the complete range of over 35, 000 individual products, as well as systems and services for automation and power distribution, confirms Moeller's position as a technological leader.

S.C. MONDIALA SA Satu Mare Company - Adresa web
The Web Page of MONDIALA SA Company

Nalco Company, Water Treatment and Process Chemical Technologies - Adresa web
Nalco Company - Water Treatment and Process Chemical Technologies.

Nedcon Shipping - Adresa web
Ship Management Company, providing services to the Marine and Oil&Gas Industry, recruitment of Romanian seamen. - Adresa web

-, integration of voice and data - Adresa web
NOVA is a privately owned multinational company specialized in the integration of voice and data for the telecommunications industry.

Now Romania, The Romanian Business Center Online - Adresa web
Romanian business center and web directory where you find information on business, travel, news and more about Romania.

::. Varujan V. Pambuccian - Adresa web
Liderul Grupului Parlamentar al Minoritatilor Nationale, presedintele Comisiei pentru Tehnologia Informatiei si Comunicatiilor. Leader of the Parliamentary Group of the National Minorities, President of the Committee for Information Technologies and Communications.

Philip Morris International: Home - Adresa web
Philip Morris International is one of the largest tobacco companies in the world, producing many of the world's best-selling cigarette brands. We understand that producing a harmful product makes our industry more controversial than others; that's why we've devoted much of this site to such topics as the health effects of smoking, secondhand smoke and youth smoking prevention.
● tobacco cigarettes smoking multinational Philip Morris International business press media regulation ingredients constituents addiction health effects..

Wellcome to OMNIMPEX GROUP web site - Adresa web
Bazele grupului de firme OMNIMPEX au fost puse in anii 90 prin aparitia societatii comerciale OMNIA S&M, imediat urmata de OMNIMPEX SRL, care s-a dezvoltat mai tarziu in OMNIMPEX CHEMICALS SA si OMNIMPEX AGRO INDUSTRIAL SRL, toate cele trei firme fiind infiintate de intreprinzatori cu experienta in comertul intern si international de ingrasaminte, produse chimice si petrochimice.

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