In Front Cars is the only car rental company in Romania specialized in renting TOYOTA cars. By choosing a TOYOTA you will benefit from a free-of-charge mobile phone and a SIM card with at least 5.5 EUR conversation limit and both you and your companions will benefit from the free-of-charge accident insurance and luggage theft insurance. Moreover, you can opt for the rental of gadgets which can make your travel easier: GPS, radar detector or child safety seat. |
In Front Cars is the only car rental company in Romania specialized in renting TOYOTA cars. By choosing a TOYOTA you will benefit from a free-of-charge mobile phone and a SIM card with at least 5.5 EUR conversation limit and both you and your companions will benefit from the free-of-charge accident insurance and luggage theft insurance. Moreover, you can opt for the rental of gadgets which can make your travel easier: GPS, radar detector or child safety seat. |
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