BetterSoft Community provides offshore software outsourcing solutions, and full-featured web design & programming services. Professional, reliable solutions, fast time to market, and competitive rates. |
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Binrace este o companie care dezvolta aplicatii software pentru firmele din industria alimentara si industria constructiilor. |
software development, software, technology, computing,
business, afaceri, programare, programatori, inginerie, programe, C/C++,
aplicatii, dezvoltare, web, e-commerce, optimizare, computer software, e-business,
custom programming, servicii, ...
Bistrita Aurie Company with an enthusiastic and competent team is involving throughout long term commitment to satisfy company’s goal: the highest satisfaction to our clients. Impreuna cu un personal entuziast si competent, intr-o continua competitie, cu generozitate si cu cele mai bune intentii in dorinta de a se identifica intr-un angajament pe termen lung cu legile calitatii produselor si serviciilor oferite, sa atinga obiectivul existential al firmei: acela de a satisface clientii. |
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Programming Pool Romania - a software company specialized in creating web enabled applications, including event planning, real time data analysis, content management systems, e-commerce, etc. |
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With a young and dynamic team, having a solid IT knowledge, we can develop projects in various domains. |
In anul 1992 un grup de specialisti din domeniul IT au infiintat Eco Copy&Print, o firma a produselor si serviciilor de inalta tehnologie.Incepind din anul 200 a luat fiinta departamentul de dezvoltare Software Blue Lion IT. Prin asociere cu firme din Germania, Canada, S.U.A si Africa de Sud a luat nastere Blue Lion IT Group care opereaza pe piata IT din Europa, Canada, Statele Unite si Africa de Sud. Blue Lion IT Group este in pozitie de parteneriat sau aliante cu firme recunoscute pe plan mond ... |
it; IT; outsourcing; out; sourcing; products; tools; development; web; software; e-commerce; b2b; b2c; business; ustomer; software; demand; hardware; telecomm; integrated; solutions; services; com; dot; MCSP; RAD; RDBMS; visual; c; c++; c#; java; basic; delphi; sql; server; microsoft;php; mysql;HTML
Blue Cell Design este o companie situata in Bucuresti, care incearca sa va ofere cele mai bune solutii in web design, dezvoltare software, design grafic, multimedia si publicitate. Deasemenea furnizeaza asistenta pentru companiile mici si mijlocii pentru crearea de logo-uri unice si puternice si de site-uri internet. |
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BlueNote Communications SA. Bluevoice brings everything you need in a Call Center Voice and Radio Logger / Recording Solution. BlueMonitor provides all the tools needed to acquire data, log it, share it on a network, display it on the screen, graph it, analyze it, and automate your project. |
Bluetech Computer & Communications |
Web design si creatie site web. Design pagini web profesioniste bazate pe identitate si branding. Solutii e-commerce vanzari online, design grafic. |
web design, design, firma, romania, Bucuresti, firme, pagini web, firma, oferta, preturi, site, optimizare, preturi web design, pagini internet, , ...
