Pligg is an open source content management system that lets you easily <a href=''>create your own social network</a>. |
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| este un site de social bookmarking, care permite proprietarilor de bloguri sa isi promoveze in fiecare zi articolele postate. Nu sunt exclusi de la promovarea pe site nici proprietarii de forum-uri care isi promoveaza topic-urile sau alti proprietari de siteuri. Pe langa asta, va recomandam sa aveti in vedere si partenerul nostru |
News, Stories, Articles, Vote, Publish, Social, Networking, Groups, Submit, Upcoming, Comments, Tags, Live
Just smile! We have emoticons. |
emoticon, emoticons, smile, smiley, yahoo, hi5, myspace, comment, picture, emotions, faces, yellow
The best place to share videos, broadcast, watch and spend your free time.Video Share offers free video sharing for everyone.Upload your video and share it |
video, share, sharing, videosharing, romania, music, muzica, funny, amuzant, movie, watch, liber, play, time, amator, online, tv, internet, film, camera, ...