KALIS Computers SRL Cluj-Napoca ofera solutii complete IT: asistenta tehnica si service, asamblare/comercializare hardware, web design si Internet publishing, distribuitor autorizat suita contabilitate 'Logicont'. Desktop computers and hardware/software retailer, web design and technical assistance IT company based in Cluj-Napoca, Romania |
kalis, computers, cluj-napoca, cluj, computere, servicii, desktop computers, computer, laptop, service, internet, software, web design, services, suppliers, hardware, multimedia, consultants, consultanta, pc, ...
dot::design professional web design & Development, Romania, Web Design Companies, Web design company Romania, web design romania, Romanian web graphic design flash Romanian Internet Solution, Romania webdesign, design, romanian ecommerce, a2b, web, internet, business, e-commerce, dot, design, romania, web, e-commerce, asp, php, html, multimedia, print, flash, mysql, database, application, database application, aplicatie, baze de date, cd, cd de prezentare |
dot, design, romania, web, e-commerce, asp, php, html, multimedia, print, flash, mysql, database, application, database application, aplicatie, baze de date, cd, cd de prezentare, cd-uri, ...
Explore 3M, the diversified technology company with leading positions consumer and office; display and graphics; electronics and telecommunications; health care; industrial; safety, security and protection services; transportation and other businesses. |
3M about 3m innovation innovative products and technologies technology solutions architecture construction auto automotive marine aerospace electronics manufacturing graphic arts signs health care home leisure manufacturing industrial office products transportation personal safety utilities telecommunications investors financials 3m worldwide quarterly earnings skin health security touch systems
Liebrecht & wooD is a construction project developer, mainly operating in the Polish and Romanian markets. What started out as an 'agency providing independent advice on property management' has grown into a business with a total approach towards real estate development. The key to the company's success is in its motto: Liebrecht & wooD indeed has a different vision on real estate - instead of the traditional focus on property, Liebrecht & wooD has chosen the client's perspective. |
liebrecht wood real estate poland romania construction project developer independent advice on property management total approach real estate development different vision on real estate
Site de prezentare a activitatii firmei, presentation of company, vorstellung der firma |
lightspeed, industrie, industry, vulcanizare, lifturi, produse chimice, scule speciale, freze, special tools, tyre repair, lifting aquipments, chemical products, benyi transportatoare, conneyor belts, protectia antiabraziva, protectie anticoroziva, protection wear, protection corrosion, forderbaldlagen, verschleissschutz, ...
LinuxNet The Conversion Company, Freedom, Buy Hardware Make Free Software |
AGER este unul din principalii dezvoltatori si distribuitori de sisteme, componente si solutii informatice integrate din Romania, incluzand ultimele realizari in domeniile hardware, software si servicii IT&C. |
AGER Business Tech, dezvoltator si distribuitori de sisteme integrate, solutii la cheie, solutii dedicate, AGER Distribution, Romanian IT Integrator, the computer company, Romania, ager.ro, www.ager.ro, http://www.ager.ro, http://nec.ager.ro, http://kaspersky.ager.ro, http://sisteme.ager.ro, http://www.roline-net.ro, IT&C, Tehnologia Informatiei, Market, Piata, solutie software integrata de afaceri, ...
Executam chei brute la comanda, copiem chei pentru yale, deschideri masini, apartamente, deschideri usi, reparam chei cu telecomanda si transponder, chei originale. Livkey Company |
Chei brute, Deschideri auto, Deblocari contacte, masini de copiat chei, yale, deschideri masini, key brute, deschideri usi, unlock door, codari cipuri, chei la comanda, chei oricinale, chei, key
Logobank provide services of webdesign, design, multimedia& identity. |
Flash, web design, design, logo, identitate, vizual, studio, html, php, java, gif, jpg, png, cdr, ai, wmf, print, grafica, Macromedia Flash, best flash design, ...
Logo design, corporate identity, marketing |
logo, design, logodesign, logo design, company logo, brand, branding, afacere, publicitate, advertising, imagine, firma, companie, marketing, sigla, sigle, carti de vizita, corporate identity, coli personalizate, slogan, ...
