Consultanta in resurse umane si recrutare in domeniile bancar, vanzari, inginerie, farmaceutic medical |
recrutare, recruitment, executive search, job, angajare, inginer, engineer, hiring, vanzari, sales, banking, senior tech, recruiter, interviu, interview, lugera, aims, credit, brd, bcr, ...
In an environment described by doubt, high uncertainty and accelerated changes we help companies to achieve better business performance |
The core competence of the COMPAREX Group is focussed around technologies and solutions for data centre. Having more than 30 years exper... |
COMPAREX COMPAREX IT IBM SUN SAN NAS Consolidation High Availability Core Competence Center News Press infrastructure storage integrator server systems IT-management services Back-up restore server based computing EMC Compaq BMC Legato VeritasPrinting Solutions
IT proffesionals from Romania deliver up-to-date software and hardware solutions to European firms needing state-of-the-art IT solutions and more |
IT proffesionals, computere, soft, software, Romania, programare, programatori, programming, VB, database, baze de date, dbms, rdbms, export, exort de programe, export de software, software export, ...
Management consulting, strategy consulting, operative consulting, consultant, business, know-how, business performance, efficiency, optimization, productivity, performance, cost/costs, procurement, cost reduction, cost optimization, supplier management, sourcing, measurability, innovation, cross-sector, competence, business process reengineering, strategic process organization, process redesign, Lean, accounting, budgeting, controlling, risk management, pricing, price, channel management, sales |
Management consulting, strategy consulting, operative consulting, consultant, business, know-how, business performance, efficiency, optimization, productivity, performance, cost/costs, procurement, cost reduction, cost optimization, supplier management, ...
• Assessment
- Definition of Targeted Leadership Competencies & Outcome Goals
- Leadership Needs Gap Analysis – Management Versus Staff
- Comprehensive Individual Leadership Trait Profiles
- Matrix of Team Leadership Traits
- Leadership Development Roadmap
• Coaching
- Authentic Life Principles Program sessions
- Life*Time Operating System sessions
- Monthly MAXIMIZERS Forums
- Focus on application of tools to achieving business results
• Recruiting (ongoing)
- Development of position pro ...
The core competence of the COMPAREX Group is focussed around technologies and solutions for data centre. Having more than 30 years exper... |
COMPAREX - The Availability Architects COMPAREX IT IBM SUN SAN NAS Consolidation High Availability Core Competence Center News Press infrastructure storage integrator server systems IT-management services Back-up restore server based computing EMC Compaq BMC Legato VeritasPrinting Solutions
Einachser und Verkaufsanhänger von hoher Qualität mit Beratung für Bootsanhänger und Pferdetransport durch Autoanhänger Hersteller Humbaur. Autotransporter und sonstige Anhänger von Humbaur. |
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METRO Group - third biggest commercial company world-wide |
METRO Group, METRO AG, International, Cash, Carry, Galeria, Kaufhof, Media Markt, Saturn, Extra, Real, Holding, trade, commerce, competence, expertise, wholesale trade, stock, share, stocks, ...
METRO Group - third biggest commercial company world-wide |
METRO Group, METRO AG, International, Cash, Carry, Galeria, Kaufhof, Media Markt, Saturn, Extra, Real, Holding, trade, commerce, competence, expertise, wholesale trade, stock, share, stocks, ...
